Puppies starting to stand and walk at 8 days old????


New member
So a day or so ago, I caught one of the puppies standing up for the first time and trying to walk as I was shutting off the camera.

Today, two puppies fully stood up and took a couple of steps.

Everything I read said this shouldn’t happen for another couple of weeks. Their eyes still aren’t even opened yet.

I’m not sure why but this concerns me. Has anyone else ever seen this? Do you have any tips? I don’t want them to get hurt. Plus, it just seems weird. Here’s a link to a tiktok video of that first puppy standing. Sorry it’s so wobbly. Like I said, I was turning off camera when it caught my eye. I wish I caught the others today because they were less wobbly. https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRDm9Kgw/?k=1
@layla17293 If you wehlp onto high traction bedding most, if not all, puppies can stand and wobble around as new borns. Starting at 8 days on regular traction is fine.

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