Puppies died during birth


New member
On Thursday at 64 days my chihuahua went into labour, she was bred to my male chihuahua and this was her first litter, we had her scanned and she was expecting 2 pups.
I have had one litter before of 5 pups from a different mum but this labour was nothing like that and went horribly wrong.
The first puppy’s paw was sticking out of the mum but wasn’t coming out I rang the emergency vet but the vet was busy and didn’t ring me back for 30mins by this time I’d gotten the puppy out but he’d sadly died despite my best efforts, by the time the vet rang back the next puppies paw was sticking out (again it was clear the sac was broken) i was advised by the vet to get the puppy out which I did again with a lot of struggle but the puppy was still born & couldn’t be revived,
Mum is fine and seems to be making a speedy recovery she was quickly back to her happy self bless her,
I’ve spoken to the vet from what we gathered I think the puppies were to big for her (they had quiet big heads like the dad) and got stuck and her pelvis was too small to deliver them.
So my questions are is there anything I should of done differently in case it happens again with another dog?
And also my bitch is booked in for a consultation to be spayed as I don’t want her to go through that again, do you think that’s wise or would you try again with a smaller male? She is 2kg he is 2.7kg I weighed them today the are the same height but he is sturdier with a bigger head should I have avoided mating them in the first place and is this all my fault??
@blueskies94 she definitely should stay on schedule to get spayed. i wouldn’t breed her again. it could have just been a bad birth experience, but i wouldn’t risk breeding her again and having the same thing happen. i work at a vet office with a reproduction specialist and we always advise to spay after events like this because of how likely it is to happen again.
@blueskies94 Sorry for the loss of your pups.

I have a specific timeline I follow during the whelp. I account for the time it takes to travel to my vet (or the emergency vet) when my girls free-whelp. If she’s been pushing actively for 1.5 hours without producing a pup, I start loading up for the vets. This way, I can get a vet to give her a hands-on exam by the time she gets to two hours. This doesn’t mean that you’re going to get a c-section, but you get ready in case things are going south.

I would though spay a dog that needed a C-section though.
@blueskies94 I am also a chihuahua breeder, that was what exactly my vet saying to bullshit me. (the puppy head size too big.and stuck.)

Because most vet wanted the breeder to do c-section, to make huge profit.

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