Puppies are hard


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I have 3 weeks off in between my spring and summer semester for graduate school (future SLP, let's go).

Anyway, what do I decide to do after my grueling spring courses?

Foster a puppy.

To be fair: I have no other obligations, the rescue is overflowing and had no fosters, I haven't had a puppy this young since I was 10 (I'm 24 now) and Mom did all the work then, of course.

So basically I forgot that puppyhood is a b*tch and while my mind is getting a break from critical thinking, I'm exhausted and tired 24/7 still. Haha.

She's easier than my first foster, who was deaf with severe separation anxiety. The deaf bit ended up being not an issue after a time but the separation anxiety was killer. She's happy in her forever home now which is neat.

Anyway, this puppy is now 8 weeks old, came to the rescue at ?? days old after being found as a newborn (estimated 2 days old) in a dumpster with 6 others (3 survived).

She's cute as hell, smart as a whip, sleeps well in a crate, has good poops,

And I think she has a UTI, so imagine that on top of E V E R Y T H I N G (specifically potty training though).

I'm not giving up on her, but I can't wait till she finds her home. She's like an easy dream puppy, shepherd mix, but I'm just way too out of gas for this.

It was getting easier until this UTI business cropped up.

Well, there's the vent for you. Enjoy.

Here's the pup. If you're in the Midwest and interested, check out Speak Rescue and Sanctuary.


Sylvie with my dog Hero

Sylvie 2

Such a precious baby
@merleharlin My husband says that our Siberian husky's puppy stage depresses him lmao I have fonder memories because I have that motherly love and I did spend more time with him but all my husband remembers is the intensive diarrhea and how sick he was and all the trips to the vet we had to make while he was taking antibiotics and vomiting. We spent about 2k on him.

When I look back at his puppy pics I look like a mom to a newborn baby, extremely sleepy not at all fixed up and tired. But my puppy was soooooo cute. I wish I would have taken more pics tbh!!

Now he's a handsome young dog (1 year old) and very mature. Not sick at all and he sleeps most of the time. He gets calmer each month and he looks like a big wolf. Miss seeing him as a baby but looking back at his pics is enough hehe

Just try to enjoy the moment and just remember it's so TEMPORARY. Make sure he has a crate and that you try training him while he or she is a puppy. It will be tough but you do get moments of peace. Whenever she sleeps or naps, try to nap as well. It's like having a newborn baby but it gets better each month.
@jesustruegod That is such a sweet story :) I am honestly loving her personality but feel like a walking zombie, sounds like you know exactly how I feel.

I think I'm a bit more glum because she's a foster, I can't keep her because I have two dogs who deserve my attention not split into another pup permanently.

So I get the dreaded (but cute) puppy phase, and then I give her away. I know she will be trained well, and it will make my heart happy, but it is very bittersweet.

She is already great in a crate, knows sit, is working on other basic commands, and is as sweet as can be.
@merleharlin We rescued a puppy about 6 weeks ago who was 10 weeks at the time. It has been just like having an infant again. Now he’s more like a toddler in the terrible two’s phase. The teething is miserable and painful for all of us. When he’s tired, he throws fits, when he’s overstimulated, he throws fits. We have a trainer coming in next week and I hope she can get us all going in a better direction because it really is exhausting. When he’s being sweet, he’s really sweet. When he’s not, he’s really not. He’s gorgeous, though.
@anthony2019 I was the same with my puppy. She's 5 mos now and getting better. She would throw tantrums all the time, my hands were full of cuts and she would chew the bottom of the couch. Tried to redirect her biting to a toy. I finally started putting her down for a nap around 6 pm when she would become uncontrollable and she would self settle. This really helped as I was not aware she was overtired or over stimulated. I was completely frustrated and wondered if we had done the right thing. Now I think about her constantly and can't wait to get home to see her. Just love her to bits ❤️
@sam2017 Same here. We are getting chewed to bits. We have also started to crate him once he turns into a wild man but being able to pick him up to get him up to the crate is the dangerous part.
@anthony2019 I decided to get a puppy for what was basically -my- first dog. I read up on things for two years but wow, a few days of having her and I felt like I knew nothing at all. The little fits when she was tired was actually what caused me to break down sobbing to my mom one night lol. I had no idea that puppies were like babies sometimes and cry/whine when they're tired and I was so tired and confused... Kittens usually just go to sleep! I thought I was going to do everything wrong and mess her up but she was pretty much a dream puppy once I realized a couple more things. She's three now and honestly one of the most important beings in the world to me. I call her my hairy daughter.

Stick with it! Watch out for that 6-10 month range when they're basically a bratty teenager and want to test all their boundaries. Puppy classes are super important I think, even if you know what you're doing for training.
Good luck!
@merleharlin Please ensure the rescue lables her appropriately so that no surprise returns happen. She looks like she has a lot of APBT ancestry and that can be a reason for rehoming after they've adopted her. She deserves the best home possible 💕
@huskcrow The rescue is amazing at full disclosure. They specialize with double merles (typically deaf and or blind) and are extremely open and supportive. I agree it's very important, it's part of why I respect and love this rescue so much!

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