Prolonged Kennel Cough, Med Side Effects, and Possible Anxiety


New member
So our 4.5 month old frenchie has had kennel cough for over a month now; he has a hacking cough, that is mostly unproductive. Lately, he's been getting up around 2am and having a coughing fit which causes him to throw up once or twice.
He's been through a round of mild antibiotics, with no effect. Our vet has recommended us to wait it out, as these things are usually self-limiting, and she doesn't hear any fluid in his lungs. However, she gave us a cough suppressant to ease his symptoms. We started to notice side effects immediately - mainly he can't hold his pee long enough to get outside. He'll make it to the elevator, but that's about it. On a side note, we came home from the gym today to find a poop-splosion all over his pen...first time this has happend. Hope it's not due to separation anxiety...thoughts are welcome.
Has anyone dealt with prolonged kennel cough, or the Temaril-P drug side-effects? How long did it last?
@cln I'd talk to your vet again; mild antibiotics for kennel cough sounds odd. The last time we picked up kennel cough (in a vaccinated dog no less... there are SO many things that cause it aside from just bordetella) it was 3 weeks of antibiotics.

If you don't agree with what your vet is prescribing, you can always go to a different vet for an opinion as well; just make sure they are aware of any medications your dog has taken recently.