Progress with our reactive doggo


New member
Z is our reactive (eager greeter), 1.5 y/ Bernese Mountain Dog. We've had her since she was a puppy and 2 of her siblings are also barkers.

In April of this year, we moved and I had more time to focus on her reactivity. I knew enough to try on my own, but I was getting nowhere.

I joined a Fiesty Fido class and had a behaviorist helpe. Both were great help for me to manage, but not necessarily improve her reactivity.

I've been doing TONS of enrichment. And on walks, a lot of LAT and BAT 2.0 with much success in the last month. I make sure to find areas where there's a ton of space for me to spot dogs from far away.

The last 2 days I've seen huge improvement that she'll look at a dog and immediately look at me for a treat. Yes, the dogs are nearly a block away, but that's her threshold that I'm working with & rewarding.

It's been a long, long time with painfully slow progress for the last 7 months, but there's still progress.

It's also noteworthy that she's just a chatty dog. She barks and bounces while playing with us.

I'm grateful for our big Z and she's doing so is great.
@vloggle This is great!

So happy for you and also for recognising some of it is just your own dogs personality!

I totally recognise the open spaces

I had to do that.. mine is not a passive dog.. he is a bit enthusiastic.... and thats OK

We can't label everything they do as reactivity. It is only the degree.. they are allowed a bit of emotions!

My trainer also said don't wish them old... she said it sadly.. she had just lost a dog... but there is truth in it... some of a young dogs bounce does vanish and that is also sad

So I don't stress quite so much when he bounces and acts enthusiastic (he is pretty silent) but I do train for calm and listening and self regualting. He is down to good across the road in most cases and closer say 3 metres with a calm dog in 18 months

It will get better!

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