Private vs corporate grooming salon hours


New member
Hi I was wondering if corporate salons usually have shorter hours for their groomers/bathers than private salons or if they’re about the same? I understand most people probably put in long days but I’ve been a bather/kennel tech going on about 2 months now and EVERY day is at least 12 hours and on Sundays when closed I still have to go let out the dogs at 8 pm. I have no down time whatsoever. 2 days ago I went in at 7:45 and left at 9:22 at night. The owner insists on trying to get in 20 dogs a day even though I’m the only bather one Thursday…I don’t see how I’m supposed to be able to physically do that?! They’ve had to jump in to help on Thursdays because I can’t do them all. Also,they’re teaching me a little about grooming so if it’s a bath dog that’s an Aussie or something I have to go over the feet with a 4 blade and trim the feet and do sanitary and all that then get a bandana and take the photo and all that and idk see how I can do all that and get all the dogs they want in a day?! I’m exhausted. One girls last day is tomorrow and idk if they have found someone else to help on the other days yet so next week should be fun
@smileyface50 20 dogs in a day? You're being overworked. Some Petsmart salons are open til 9, but you don't come in at 7:45, you'd come in at like 1. I don't know about PSP or Petco now, Co used to be 7 or 8, but wouldn't be there for over 12 hours.
@barnabasp Yes, she shoot’s for 20 dogs a day but on the other days there’s two of us so it fine (except the other girl is extremely lazy and I end up doing most of them) but they KNOW I’m the only one on Thursdays and so you would think they would book less but nope. The owners bitches at the receptionists if we don’t have 20 dogs every day. And they only have one groomer rn and the owner will come strolling in about 1 to help the groomer but they still don’t get done in a reasonable time frame and customers complain all the time about how long it takes. It’s just frustrating cause it’s like look of you want 20 dogs a day you need to
Come in the morning not the afternoon! So when I get done bathing and I’m trying to clean and let out boarders I have to help assist them with grooms and try to rush everyone out….which would be fine if it was a reasonable time but not 8 o clock at night when we closed two hours ago. It’s like she never learns
I’ve asked a similar question before but for some reason no one really chimes in. I don’t know if it’s best to start out grooming at private salons or corporate ones. But I don’t think I can handle my current salon any more I’m way over worked and burned out and there’s no private salons in my area hiring so I applied at petco and petsmart.. hopefully I hear back from one of them
@smileyface50 Petsmart/Petco is not a bad place to start. You get your starter tools and education paid for, and plenty of low risk experience. You'll never have to pay for a vet visit if you nick a dog, and you'll always at least earn your hourly wage. Health insurance, paid time off, and 401k matching are a beautiful plus, too. I know groomers who have left corporate after a year and I know groomers who have worked at petsmart for 15 years.