Pregnant Dog Question!!!


New member
My dog is a rescue and we were told that they thought she tied on March 28, 29, 30 and again on April 7, 8, 9. We were told that this would be her first pregnancy, but this is also not guaranteed. Over the last day or two we noticed that her nipples were wet when we touched them. We gently squeezed her nipples and they produced milk. We took her temperature tonight and it was 100.4°. We weren’t expecting her delivery date to be until May 30 at the very earliest, which is still 13 days from now. We wanted to take her in for an x ray before delivery. Should we be prepared for delivery within the next day or two or what should we do? When should we get her x ray done since we don’t want to do it too early?
@gwenyth Watch for her to nest, we use plastic swimming pools and keep clean blankets on hand nature will take its course you may have to help “unwrap “ the first or second but she’ll get the hang of it
@gwenyth The temp actually lowers the closer to delivery she is. I’d schedule the X-ray as soon as you can so you know what to expect. There are great whelping kits on Amazon. Highly suggest investing in one.
@gwenyth 100.4 is normal. You’ll notice she’s close when she starts nesting. You can go to the vet and get the X-ray if you think it’s close enough to the due date to get an accurate count. If they don’t show up then you know she’s not that close
@gwenyth That’s good hopefully she holds out till at least day 56. Btw are you prepared for the birth? Like, clamps and surgical scissors, suction and stuff?
@nadinepeony Yes! We have everything prepared. We have the heating pad, suction, face clothes, surgical scissors, ribbons, whelping area with blankets, puppy weigher, etc.
@gwenyth That’s awesome! Go you! You don’t know how many ppl say they just let the mom do everything and like, it hurts bc mom can mess up. I had a first time mama not pull the placenta off and I had to do it real quick cuz well, baby needed to breathe
@nadinepeony Yes I am terrified because I heard of another person that had a Pomeranian litter of 5 and the mothers killed 3 by stepping on them! I’m very nervous so that’s why we have been taking her temperature