Possible tear on my dogs surgically repaired CCL


New member
3 years ago my dog had both CCL’s surgically repaired around 6 months apart.
His recovery has been fantastic and he for the past 18 months has been the most energetic he has ever been in his life (7 years).

Today I was at the park throwing a stick for him, he landed on his hind leg and fell over, immediately yelped and cried so I knew he did something bad.

He now hasn’t put any weight on his leg for 8 hours. I have given him 2 pills of his anti inflammatory pills and he still won’t put weight on it. I have booked to see the vet tomorrow. I did the drawer test and his knee seems intact but what do I know. Could my dog have torn his repaired CCL? Is this possible? Can I be re operated on?

If this is a hip injury, will a dog not put weight on the leg?

I am feeling terrified that his life may be ending shortly. I don’t want to lose my best friend. He is a mix breed resembling a large Staffordshire terrier ~27kg (slightly over weight for size)
@jbaxer It is very possible that they reinjured it. I recommend seeing your vet right away. There are many possibilities, but CCL injuries have a pretty high chance of going wrong.

Losing use of a leg will in no way impact his longevity, though.
@legend28 It was a TTA procedure. Went to the vet today and he said the knee seems intact and his hip is ok and to rest him for a week to see if he recovers as it could just be a sprain. And if not recovery then cartilage damage is most likely. Does this sound about right? He also mentioned bone cancer but I doubt it would bring pain from an event and rather a slow onset?
@naka90hara TTA surgery. We are giving him a week to see if he recovers before looking into other options. Money is tight at the moment so I’m praying for the best
@jbaxer Just wondering what the outcome was and how the rest went.
Our 7 year old boy has already had surgery for luxating patella and recently made a jump and hit his knee on something when he landed. The vet did xrays and physical exam under sedation and said doesn’t appear to be CCL. We are done with 8 rounds of laser Monday and still no improvement. We haven’t restricted him much so I’m sure that would help.

Just wondered what your outcome was...
@abdurrashid Hello, thank you for reaching out.

My dog he has greatly improved, we reduced his movement for a week after the injury, keeping him on carpreive and gabapentim for the pain. He stopped limping after 5 days and we slowly introduced walking back. I’m weary to let him run but he does sometimes anyway. He won’t be chasing sticks but I am lucky that he only pulled a muscle by the looks of it. He is back to his usual self.

Having had a few orthopaedic surgeries myself as a human as well as my dog, I don’t really see a material benefit in laser therapy.

I would restrict his movement and wait and see. If the vet has checked for laxity in the joint and it came out clear, it’s likely he has done what my dog has. Get him on a good pain killer and give it maybe 10 days, if no improvement then I would suggest taking him to a NEW vet for a through diagnosis.

All the best with your dog, I hope for a positive outcome.

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