Poop problem!


New member
I am at my wits end. I have had many dogs but not like the one I have now! She is a 1 yr old miniature poodle. She is soooo smart but not about pooping. She will pee and poop first thing in the morning. She always owes outside. She gets in a chair by the door when she wants out, which is about 3 x an hour. While she is out side she plays and bites grass and gets sticks. Then she come in and poops in the hall where we can’t see her. She knows she is t supposed to go in the house. If I show it to her and say “ what is that” she slinks away. I have tried everything people have suggested. Nothing has worked. HELP!
@mirason We got a rescue a couple years ago -Mara is her name- and she had some major potty issues. Not only would she go in the house, but she would even go in her crate and then just... lie in it. (She had a very bad start in life, pretty sure she ONLY knew the inside of a kennel before she was surrendered.)

We tried so many things, but the only thing that worked for her was doggy diapers. She did NOT like going potty in the diapers, and she didn't like wearing them either, so it didn't take long before she didn't need diapers in the house anymore. The crate took a LOT longer, and she still has tons where she regresses and has to be a diaper baby for a few days while in the crate at night. However, those times are getting fewer and farther between as time goes by.

The other thing that has been INTEGRAL for her success is routine. Making sure she has certain SET potty times (before daddy goes to work, as soon as daddy gets home, right before dinner, etc) has helped a ton, too. Other than that, she goes outside when she rings the potty bell. And if she's being a distracted, yard-eating monster, she gets a few warning "leave-it"s (or a couple minutes) and then she comes inside whether she's pottied or not.

Best of luck to you! Potty training can be so hard and SO frustrating, but there's light at the end of tunnel, I promise!
@mirason My puppy was having trouble potty training, but I realized when I let her outside unsupervised she spends her time playing, exploring, etc. rather than pottying. I have to watch her and as soon as she potties I make a big deal like it’s the best thing in the world and am just so excited over it, she gets treats etc. That was the only way we could get her to see that she was supposed to potty outside. She also gets the occasional “did you do this?!” if she has an accident inside, and she knows well that she can’t do that.

I also know from growing up with a small breed dog, sometimes the grass is an issue. My family dog growing up wouldn’t poop outside if the grass was too tall, touching his bum, or even if it was wet (morning dew or rain). I would maybe try directing her to a spot where the grass is extra short or keeping the grass extra short all over. Could even try turf in a designated spot!

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