Please help me guesstimate when my dog's birthday is!


New member

I'm hoping that someone might be able to help me and my dog :) My dog's birthday is sometime in April 2020. I was hoping I could get a better idea of when his birthday might be because I'd like to be able to properly celebrate his birthday with him! I know it's a little silly but it's important to me and I've gotten wildly different estimates from the adoption shelter and my dog's vet.

Background: My GSD/pit/husky mix was found under a store's deck with his littermates. We're in the West Coast if that helps at all. His mother was quite thin and had hidden them under the deck and local residents found them when they started hearing odd sounds. Residents provided the mom and her puppies with food for a few days. Shelter volunteers were able to lure them out after the residents reached out to them. I was told that it was tricky to estimate how old the puppies were because their eyes weren't open all the way but that they did have teeth. The shelter thought that because they were under a dark deck, their eyes were slower to open. Photos were taken May 5, 2020, May 11, 2020, and May 23, 2020: . Additional photos from May 5, 2020: .

Thank you for your time!! Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated and if any additional information would be needed to provide a better estimate, please let me know!


Me and My Dog (that was born some time in April I think)
@mrandersong Thank you for taking the time to respond! I really appreciate it. I think we might be celebrating my dog's birthday on April 14/15 from now on :)

Your heelers are adorable, btw. The DNA test I ran on my dog said he has a little bit of heeler in him as well!
@elizabethbrill Not a breeder and hope you get a better answer but I only knew my dog was born sometime in February and I got him from a pound on the 14th of August 2005, I combined the two and we celebrated his 16th birthday on the 14th of February this year. It's a little nod to him coming into my life so you could use that if it's difficult to get an exact date
@joanwalton Thank you for taking the time to respond, breeder or not :) I really like what you did with his birthday! I hadn't thought of doing something like that. I'm going to tell my family about his guesstimated birthday and his combined birthday and see what they think. My mom's a little superstitious so I'm sure she'll have an opinion haha.

Congrats on 16!! That's amazing. Hope he's doing well and I wish him many more celebrations.

Thanks, again :)

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