Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??

@kennethb I just looked and there are veterinary malpractice lawyers in many states. I wonder how much it would cost to have one of them write a letter? What’s happening to you doesn’t sound right.
@kennethb I am soooo sorry this happened to you. This is absolutely unacceptable. I would contact an attorney quickly. Let us know how your pup is doing as he recovers! Poor baby!
@kennethb The vet f'd up and now is giving you the "I am God" treatment which means they're always right no matter what and if you disagree there's nothing you can do because there's no such thing as suing them and if you complain to the state Board nothing will happen. They own us.
@kennethb I have dealt with a couple of incompetent vets one who killed one of our dogs. He blamed the dog for dying. You are dealing with an competent incompetent vet. You should take him to small claims court.
@kennethb Do you have a small claims court where you are? Where I am, you can take someone to small claims court without a lawyer for under $10k value. I would start with talking to the vet about the situation and if they don’t offer to resolve this, let them know you will be seeking legal action. You can get a lawyer involved to simply send them a letter and oftentimes, a letter is enough to scare people into giving you back your money because they know legal proceedings will cost them a lot more. You also have the option to go to media; which you can also let them know you’ll be doing.
@kennethb Simply, stop taking your dogs to the vet at the drop of a hat. I think people love spending money on their pets even when nothing is wrong. Had pets all my life, none died prematurely.
@kennethb Definitely report him to what ever governing body regulates vets. Your poor pup! I'm sorry you guys are going through this. Hope he's doing well.
@kennethb Sounds like your dog just ate his food way too fast hence vomiting up his food.

Is he fixed?

I’m asking cause I worked at a breeder kennel and sometimes when a dog was in heat the male dogs would eat their food whole and puke it back up instantly.

Sometimes the girls would too once in a blue moon. Sometimes when dogs get nervous or feel their food source is threatened to be eaten from someone else they will scarf it.

Eating double the amount he usually eats could have caused indigestion. I personally would have skipped feeding him in the morning. Then go back to his regular feeding at night.

Also look up symptoms of bloat so you can get familiar with the signs and when it’s an emergency.

Yes they did screw you over. Intentionally? Hard to say. More so they didn’t seem to listen to what you were saying and were more focused on “it’s an emergency!” Instead of “he had surgery previous” cause if they listened to you they probably would have caught on that it was staples.

I’d go to the head board of veterinarians and complain about what happened. Just be prepared not being able to use that vet again and maybe search for another vet.

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