Please help me! Did I get screwed over by this vet??


New member
My dog had his breakfast this morning and immediately vomited up his food. The night before he had about two meals worth of his food that he got into so I was wondering if that happened because he couldn’t digest it all. I waited a couple hours as his symptoms were subsiding but then in the middle of a work meeting he starts gagging. I immediately take him to the vet and give him his symptoms (vomit this morning that had food in it, and that he gagged around noon but didn’t throw up, his behavior was normal and he had a normal bowel movement) they tell me that he needs to get an X-ray to see if there’s a foreign body. I look at the X-ray with the vet and the first thing he says is did you lose a necklace and point to the image saying that they found metal in his stomach and he needs to go into emergency surgery because there is no other choice. I start crying to telling them about hoagies previous stomach surgery (he went through 3 surgeries in 48 hours 1.5 yr ago) and how if there’s any other way I would do it I can’t have him go through that again. They say this is the only way to remove it and it has to happen now because it was metal. So I start signing paperwork and restate that hoagie has had surgery in the past and I confirm with them that they have his records. A few hours later I get a call from the vet saying that they cut my dog open and found out that the metal was actually staples from the previous surgery and then he quickly starts talking about GSD. I try to stop him and ask wait why didn’t you guys look at the records and he said that they weren’t on there and I say are you 100% sure? And so he back-peddles and says he’ll check. So I listen to him now share this brand new news with me about how they actually had to have the surgery because of GSD and it’s life threatening. He never told me ONCE that it was possible my dog had GSD. I told him this whole thing could have been resolved if you looked at the records and confirmed the staples (I confirmed with the previous hospital my dog went to and their records show staples is on there) then you could’ve made a better call. The X-rays were not sent off to radiologists because the vet swore he’d been seeing X-rays for years and since they found metal in there they just went into surgery immediately. They are still going to charge me $4500 for this. He wants me to pick him up at 5:30. I understand that being a vet is extremely hard and I do like this vet but this was such a HUGE mistake, to put my dog through something like that and make me pay thousands of dollars for their mistake is huge. The symptoms hoagie was showing was not GSD symptoms and least from what I’ve read. What should I do????
@kennethb I don't know what the laws and regulations are in your country, but in most countries you can put in a. Complaint to the veterinary board. And I would not pay the amount, at least not in full. But that choice is yours.

Just fyi, a GDV/GDS has a very typical view on a radiograph, the typical 'double bubble' or 'smurfs hat' that covers more than half the abdomen. So If you looked at the x-ray with the vet, and you look up ' GDV xray' on Google, you should be able to tell the difference.
@kennethb My understanding, is often when a dog has bloat/torsion that is severe, the vet goes in and untwists the stomach and then staples it in place to prevent this happening again. Am I correct in thinking this is the stomach staples you were describing, that the vet did 1.5 years ago?

If so, my understanding is that this is called a gastroplexy. My understanding was that this basically prevents torsion in future. Here is what online says: "“While some dogs with gastropexy will still bloat, (gastric dilatation), the gastropexy should prevent their stomach from twisting (volvulus) and the need for emergency surgery,” says Dr. Rawlings. “It's rare, if ever, for gastropexied dogs to have a life-threatening bloat.

So basically if we are understanding you correctly, this vet that is an expert of gastroplexy says your vet is... making things up.
@missgrundy ER vet here. I’m not going to comment on OP’s question. Just here to clear up a bit of confusion. A gastric dilation and volvulus (GDV) is de- rotated and the sutured to the body wall. There’s a little more to it, but staples are not used. Staples can be used to close bowel after an enterotomy or after a resection and anastomosis (either a simple incision in the intestine or after a section of intestine has been removed). Suture is more common, but staples can be used. I have not heard of staples being used in the stomach (gastrotomy), but I guess it’s possible.

A GDV can be sliding- and not all GDVs carry the “double bubble” sign. If seen, it’s diagnostic, but not seeing a double bubble doesn’t always fully rule out a GDV.

A gastric dilation without volvulus may or may not result in a GDV. Surgery isn’t always needed. Sometimes just decompression or monitoring.
@dpwell Very interesting, thank you very much for the information about this! I really appreciating you taking the time, as I know you must be very busy. I appreciate you sharing this!
@kennethb What surgery did he have where staples were still present? Because tacking the stomach will show a small metal object on a radiograph and is specifically to prevent bloat.
UPDATE: Thank you for all of your messages and caring so much about Hoagie. When I pulled up I decided that I was not going to leave without talking to the owner and the people who operated on him. I went in and at the first the lady at the front desk was like, “okay so let me get you all checked out” and I said “before that I want to speak to the vet” she was like okay and got up and got him and so we went into a waiting room to talk. I said what happened in the most objective, non-emotional way possible, and once I laid it all out like that and didn’t get harsh with him (I have been going to this vet since I rescued hoagie which was a few years ago and I don’t feel like he is a genuinely bad person who wanted to take advantage of me), he said I wouldn’t be paying for anything. I was really surprised but I did say that it wasn’t okay what he did. It felt good to stick up for Hoagie!! I do feel like I wouldn’t have done that if I didn’t get all of your messages though so thank you. I feel like the bridge wasn’t burned but I will definitely not be going back there, ever again. When I saw hoagie come out from behind the operation door tears just started flooding. I took him to a place I thought would take care of him and he trusted me to take him to a place that would be a safe place for him. I feel so guilty that he went through all of that for nothing. When he saw me he could barely walk but he did the sweetest little tail wag. God I’m so emotional right now. He is in a very snuggly blanket in his soft bed and he’s sleeping. Thank you so much for everyone’s support.

P.S. the first surgery that was 1.5 years ago was done very well with metal sutures or something of that matter, I shouldn’t have said staples that was not the correct term. The issue was that the vet who preformed surgery on hoagie today mistook the stitching in hoagie as a metal foreign object inside hoagie that needed emergency surgery. If he had just confirmed with the previous records of hoagies last surgery as well as sent the X-ray off to a radiologist for final confirmation…hoagie would not have had a huge cut from his sternum to his rectum. Ok yea I’m still mad about this…

Deep breaths! Best thing is that hoagie home safe and sound and sleeping!! ❤️
@kennethb you’re a great pawrent for taking Hoagie to the vet in the first place! you had no idea that this would happen and it seems like this vet has a good track record with Hoagie so far so no one would blame you for not being suspicious of the vets diagnosis. good for you for sticking up for yourself and your baby and I’m so glad you didn’t have to pay for anything!!!
@lisa445 And don't let this prevent you from taking him in in the future! Obviously it's time to find a new vet, but you will find one that gets to know him that you can trust. You really did the right thing, I am so sorry such a terrible thing happened. I hope you both feel better soon
@kennethb I’m proud of you!!!!! I truly think it is a better safe than sorry situation. Yes, it’s awful to have something done unnecessarily and for them to try to bait-and-switch you with reasons for surgery. But the alternative is much, much worse if something dire was happening. Good luck on your search for a new vet and I hope Hoagie has a smooth recovery!
@kennethb I'm so glad that you were able to resolve this somewhat amicably. It's a shame poor Hoagie had a procedure he didn't need.

I just want to jump in here to remind everyone that vets are human, we do our best but sometimes we do make mistakes, and when we do all we can do is take accountability and try to help you & your pet have the best outcome in a bad situation. 90% of all board complaints stem from poor communication, which sounds like what happened here.

Hoagie's surgery can't be undone & I'm sure your vet feels terrible about it. You should definitely expect all his post-op checks to be free, & any treatment for any complications (fingers crossed he doesn't need it though!). That would be totally reasonable. It would even be reasonable to ask if they will compensate you for post op care with another vet. They have insurance for these things.

If it helps at all - pets that ingest jewellery can end up with life threatening heavy metal toxicity. I believe your vet panicked and was genuinely concerned for your dog's wellbeing.

If you don't feel satisfied, you can take it to the vet board, but you won't be compensated - the vet may lose their career though, so don't take it too lightly. In terms of compensation you usually have to go through small claims court - keep in mind if it's a corporate chain they have expensive lawyers on retainer for these kinds of things.
you could also consider requesting they send the initial radiographs (xrays) for external interpretation, though you would probably have to pay for that. The plus would be you would see if another vet agrees on the initial incorrect diagnosis or not.
also an option for future - if there's ever something stuck in the STOMACH (not intestines) - look for a vet that can try removal by gastroscope (camera and grabbers down the throat into the stomach). You may still end up needing surgery if they can't get it but it's a less invasive first option.
@kennethb Can you please update us once he’s fully recovered? I’m so sorry that you both had to go through this. I’m glad your pup is doing ok despite what happened and I’m glad you didn’t have to pay for anything

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