Piss/Poop Pads Recommendation


New member
Hey folks, I am moving to a condominium with my dog (11yo mini dachshund) and am badly in need of an indoor area for my dog to pee n poo as I am disabled and unable to leave/enter the building myself. I have been looking up these bathroom pads for dogs but I can't tell which ones are high quality and which are not. I was hoping someone could recommend me a brand so my dog can urinate and defect in the condo freely. Thanks for your time, any help is appreciated!

P.S. This seems like the right place to ask but if it's not please tell me.
@dhoffner96 Have you considered doggy bathrooms that are basically fake grass over a container to drain away urine? The problem with pee pads is that dogs can often have difficulty telling the difference between a pee pad and other soft, smooth surfaces in the house, leading to frustrating accidents. A fake grass doggy potty will keep them oriented to peeing on grass and the texture is distinct from indoor surfaces.
@dhoffner96 You can also litter box train your dog to go in a box.

I personally had good luck using Costco bulk pack and holding it down with a pad holder.

If you have the money. There's a subscription grass pad (real ones) otherwise the fake pads recommended by lacquer critic works too.

do you have a male or female dog? If you have a male they have wraps for male dogs and diapers for female dogs.