Pet Ownership Psychology Thesis

@danaomic Just submitted my responses and I wanted to say I really enjoyed your survey. Well presented and thoughtful questions, but I really loved how it made me reflect on how much I love my dog. I kept pausing to gaze lovingly at him and I’m now giving him foot scratches while he naps. 🥰
@d002sw Ok but here was my rationalization for not feeling guilty for my answer to that question - all of my friends have flaws or baggage, but little Oliver is 100% perfect 😇
@danaomic I feel like it was an excellent survey for dog owners! But is it specifically for dogs? The questions ask about “pets”. It may not make a difference for the purpose it’s intended. But as an owner of multiple species, my answers vary depending on species.

I still love my cats, no matter their judgement levels. But I love them for different reasons than I love my dogs.
@danaomic Completed the survey while my senior rescue Yorkie snores with his head and one paw resting on my leg. Agree with the above comment about the lovely survey and the deeper appreciation for my Fred!!
@danaomic Hi! Sorry if this is a nitpick but your question regarding our gender lists “male” and “female” as the two options. Generally the terms male and female are reserved for sex rather then gender, as there are many women who are not female and many men who are not male. Gender and sex are not the same thing. If possible I think it would be better for you to either change the question to “what is your biological sex” or change the answers to “woman”, “man”, and the write in section. That way it’s more fair and inviting toward transgender and non-binary people.

Also completed the survey still, it was very interesting and cool questions! 💜