Partner and I took on 2 pups from the same litter. Week 2…


New member
So I’m just feeling defeated.

Partner and I got two puppies (chihuahua, shitzu, dachshund, Australian Shepard mix) from my friends mom. We didn’t do our research and now I’m regretting the decision.

We started crate training as soon as possible, separate crates. They were pretty good last week, but now it’s getting a little out of hand since my partner is out of town for a conference. I think I’m just feeling overwhelmed, but I’m starting to feel like I’m just a bad dad dog. Any help or tips would be great.

So more info.
1) I got them from my friend’s mom. She homes the puppies whenever her dog (female chihuahua/shitzu) has a litter. Last litter was only 3 pups.
2) my friend’s mom isn’t a professional breeder. Not that I know of at least. This was kind of a friend transaction. We have talked about rehoming, but she has told me to try and stick it out.
3)They are about 9-10 weeks old.
4) I’ve separated them so that we can get them to be more independent. It’s the whining and barking that gets to be a little much. And since I’m the only one home this week, it’s a lot more tiring.

I have been picking up tips from y’all and from others who I’ve asked for help. It just gets intense because I already suffer from depression and anxiety, so it gets a little more intense with the pups.

Thanks in advance for those who have been offering tips, even rehoming them with their “breeder”.
@momovich1 No it isn’t, I have two AKC littermate puppies from a very reputable breeder and they are becoming well-adjusted adult dogs. Not all experts believe that littermate syndrome is even a thing.
@taz77777 How old are they? Because I see ppl who are like "my puppies who were raised together and are 1.5 y/o have been perfect until the last week when they suddenly started showing aggression towards each other". Like, why risk it?
@taz77777 AKC really doesn’t have much meaning unless the parents are titled. Some breeders may look very reputable but it can be hard to tell without doing deep research or being very experienced
@roundspheal01 The parents of these puppies are titled, one in conformation and one in agility, but I don’t think that is as important as having all OFC testing done. (I didn’t mean to make it sound like AKC was everything, I admit I haven’t registered my pups.). I was able to watch the puppies being home raised 24/7 on puppycam, and visit the breeders several times including at a show. I got to see several generations and cousins of the puppies. One of the breeders visited when they were in town on Friday, and I’m taking the puppies back to visit them this weekend for a party at their house. I agree that lots of research has to be done and it isn’t usually as easy as it has been for me.
@beaconlight94 Possibly. Couldn’t hurt to chat with the breeder.

I only know about this because I briefly considered getting my puppy’s sister, too. I told my friend, and she told me why I shouldn’t do that. It can seem like she a great idea in the moment!
@qzxcvbn I was fostering 2 pitbull mix puppies from 5 weeks old to 12 weeks about week 11 they were driving me crazy always biting each other leaving sore all over one of the pups head neck and chest. PLS and it is a huge task, you can survive it but it will be a pain and take lots of training. Separating them is good too, separate cages, separate walks, separate cuddle time and separate training. I’d even suggest you focus on one dog and your partner on the other. Feed them in their cages to avoid any food issues. Also try to give them time in separate areas to learn independent play.
@beaconlight94 Second looking up littermate syndrome. Two adolescent puppies shouldn't be raised with a large amount of access to each other and should be spending the majority of their time separately, out of view of each other.
@prsfan84 I see two GSD adolescents in my neighborhood every morning. The guy cannot control them - they’re huge. What could go wrong with two poorly bred giant GSDs with littermate syndrome?

My dog hates German shepherds so I have to walk in the opposite direction when I spot them
@roundspheal01 In 100s of articles and videos I have never seen that you are supposed to keep them out of sight of each other. Many sources say separate them for training but it is helpful if they can watch each other’s sessions.