P.S.A. for dog parents


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Late last night, I gave my pups their usual bedtime treat…a piece of a soft meat dog food roll that is soft enough to crumble in your hand easily. Elsa (my Maltese) dropped hers (I had given her a good sized chunk 😢) and in an effort to snatch it up before her pig of a brother took it, managed to get it lodged in her throat.

She took a few steps, fell on her side and started what appeared to be seizing. I tried doing the doggie heimleich’ techniques: abdomen compressions, turning her upside down and striking her on the back, swiping with my finger in her mouth (it was so far down I couldn’t even feel it). I couldn’t get it out and by this point she was totally limp, and didn’t appear to be breathing or conscious.

I remembered having some small syringes my vet had given me to use for feeding my kitten when he was sick and not eating. I tore the kitchen apart and found one and used it to repeatedly suction as far back in her throat as I could reach and it finally popped out. She started breathing and woke up but wouldn’t get up for awhile…but her little tail thumped on the floor as I was talking to her. I sat up with her all night watching her breathing and this morning she seems fine.
Me, I think I have some PTSD from the whole ordeal, but she is ok. ❤️

Had this been a harder type treat, I don’t think the suction would have worked and there was no time to get her to the ER vet, or even up the street to our beloved regular vet, had she been in the office at the time.

I’ve always been wary of harder type treats and bones for this reason, but had it in my head these were fine because they were very soft. Please consider this when giving your pets treats, and monitor them while eating any. I was headed upstairs to check on my kittens who are recovering from surgery, and if I hadn’t seen what was going on she would have definitely be gone by the time I came back down. 😢
@dudr17 Veterinary technician here....Kudos for your quick thinking! You had quite a scare. Keep close watch on her for any respiratory symptoms though in case she aspirated any pieces or crumbs or if she injured her trachea at all, ok? I'd suggest calling her vet and explaining what happened and see if they have any further recommendations. I'm glad she's ok though. :) If anything seems "off", have her seen. Better safe than sorry, you know?
@deepcoder I’ll call her vet in the morning too (they’re closed today) and see if I should bring her in sooner to have her checked over. Thanks again!
@deepcoder Yes, thank you!! I posted this same message on Facebook this morning and tagged my vet so she would be aware. I’ve been watching her closely because I was worried about possible pneumonia if she got any of it in her lungs. Her breathing seems clear and normal, and she’s eating and drinking normally. I have an appointment on Saturday to just get her nails trimmed so I’ll speak to my vet while I’m there and will watch closely in the meantime. Thanks so much for your comment, I appreciate knowing what to watch for!❤️
@dudr17 small dog even smaller throats

my tibetan terrier has to have her food sloppy otherwise she has trouble swallowing it. it also has to be about 1.5cm size pieces or less [we get the small bite kibble]

the same goes for treats [ones she can't crunch up]

otherwise it gets stuck in her throat and she brings it back up. [thankfully so far she does...]

thank goodness you reacted quickly and got it out. that must have been terrifying for all of you. i'm glad she's doing okay. good thinking on the syringe!
@av3nger I’m just so relieved and am still traumatized today. Luckily, she seems to have forgotten all about it. Their kibble is really tiny, I get certain flavors of Fromm that have little pea sized pieces. I threw away every treat in the house though that isn’t something soft I can break into little bite sized pieces from now on. Thanks for commenting!
@olbrychtrings Thank you. I don’t know how was even able to think of it, I was a hysterical mess at the time. But I’ll always keep a couple syringes on hand from now on, that’s for sure.
@dudr17 Ugh, this just makes me think about how my food crazed Doxie mix inhales her food. Literally inhales it. Most of the time she doesn't chew her food at all. Just swallows it whole. She just gets too excited. I don't know how she hasn't choked already.
@kiddoleknocker My other dog is like this…sooo excited over any kind of food and he just crams it as fast as he can. He was horrified this morning as I gave them their treat one tiny piece at a time. 🤣
@dudr17 OP, I'm just here to give you a virtual hug as that had to be TERRIFYING! Good on you for keeping your wits about you and keeping on trying. I am sooooo glad she's ok.
@lessme I had a elderly rescue pup several years ago that didn’t have any teeth, and that’s what I did for hers. I’d put hot water (just hot from the tap), just enough to cover the kibble and let it sit for around 10 minutes. The kibble would soak up most of the water and be big and soft, and it would also make a sort of gravy for it too. It would be the perfect temperature after that time. She loved it and it was so much easier for her to eat. I may actually start doing this with my current pups.
@dudr17 Wow that is amazing how quick you thought of that I’m glad she is okay. I myself know how scary this is. My dog (lab chow mix, 68 lbs) did the same thing he was choking on a treat I gave him. It was the end piece of a bone. Lucky I know doggy Heimlich. The bone piece came flying out and he just laid there for a bit. No more bones for him and supervision during dinner, since he has also chocked on a mouth full of kibble too. I think I have had to save my dog from chocking like 4 times already. I don’t leave him with anyone I’m to scared too. I’m so sorry this happened and I’m glad your pupper is okay! A lot of us know this horrible feeling all too well.
@wisdomandlove Oh gosh, I’m glad your baby is ok too! I don’t know if I was doing the doggy Heimlich wrong or if the problem was the texture of the stuff that was stuck. Or maybe it was just little tiny body, there’s not much to work with there. I don’t know, it was all just a blur. I’m so grateful something worked though!

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