Other dogs sick from Ollie?


New member
I have 4 dogs… 2 on Ollie (my boxer and lab)…. 1 on adult kibble and the other on puppy kibble…

The last 2 weeks I’ve been dealing w massive diarrhea, gas, vomiting from the 2 on Ollie. They were sharing the latest delivered batch fyi.

I took them both days apart to urgent care and spent 2k. Gas and irritated insides for my lab on the ultrasound and X-rays. Luckily I brought my boxer in before he got dehydrated and they gave us cerenia after his labs came back mostly fine ( he literally 💩 himself multiple times and is potty trained, only 5 and even his worse ibd flare ups didn’t have him doing that).

Both were on chicken and rice for a few days… I wean one back on Ollie and he’s been literally shitting himself again and couldn’t keep food down. My other dog won’t touch the stuff and has been eating my other dogs adult kibble fine.

Back on chicken and rice no weaning from Ollie and he’s way more stable. I ask Ollie if any one reported issues recently… they don’t answer directly … only our food is lab tested. Ok well Gina why are the 2 dogs on ollie exploding from both ends!!!? Tries to suggest I didn’t wean them back on to the food slow enough. Mind you they eat the Ollie chicken w rice ….and carrots….

Anyone else recent have issues or know of anyone’s dogs get sick? I clearly wont get straight answers from them and my dogs have been on this for years. So it’s not a newer food for them…
@becky411234 I don’t feed mine this, but it’s not the first I’ve heard. I think it was pancreatitis related due to high fat content if I remember correctly.

But this is another reason I don’t trust these brands.
@sheepofthefold Ya I’ve heard that. I think the transport situation is also at play.

It’s so hard these days as the small batch companies kibble / fresh all get bought out / sign deals and quality goes down hill. I get growing the business but not at the expense of my dogs’ health :-/
@becky411234 I just don’t trust it. I feed kibble that’s vet backed to ensure all essential nutrients - I usually do a fresh food as a topper but that fresh pet food as the only diet is a big no for me, especially for my puppy.
@tery Yeah after all the research I have done I too have my dog on those. You know what? She does great on the Hill’s version I choose and her labwork is perfect in her older age.
@tery This! Money isn’t a factor and I love my dog to get him anything. But after everything I read online and researched I keep ending up on a kibble or wet food from Hills. And so far everything is great with him, solid blood word, solid poops, solid energy. So guess I am sticking to it!
@becky411234 I’ve heard of this happening so many times that I don’t trust the current fresh food brands out there.

WSAVA has guidelines for food companies to meet and Purina, Royal Canin and Hills meet them. I personally only stick to those brands for now.

Best wishes for a quick recovery for your pups!
@caliisawake I think justfoodfordogs is the only fresh dog food that is wsava compliant but I don't trust them personally after hearing all the issues people are facing recently on fresh food diets
@erinbeery JFFD does not meet the highest standards in the areas laid out by WSAVA and other vet health organizations. They come closer than most other brands, but they do not.
@sevilodorf well tbh i do trust what a random redditor says more than someone who tells me something their vet told them 😂

i used to feed my pup ollie, then we went to farmers dog, and jffd because this subreddit* said its the closest to WSAVA standards but i kept reading and let reddit convince (educate?) me

he’s on hill’s and his poops are finally solid 🥹

so thanks to random redditors like youuu for solid poo’s!! 🫶🏼
@becky411234 I tried farmers dog and similar experience. I didn’t say anything, just quietly discontinued my membership. They emailed and asked why and when I told them, they sent me a million follow up questions about every detail as they said they take health complications very seriously.

I think these food brands are hard because they aren’t regulated and don’t have the extensive research to back up their formula. But also I questioned the transportation of meat and if anything went bad along the way
@becky411234 Okay wait, our girl has been super gassy which is so out of the norm? Like she’s been ripping loud ones all week. I’m going to reach out to their CS team and let them know. We have a fresh box coming tomorrow so I hope it’s not still an issue. Thank you for posting this!


Also, before anyone comes @ me: It’d cost 4x as much to feed my 75lb dog a fully canned, sensitive stomach diet (she medically requires wet food) and Ollie came as a reco from our vet
@becky411234 I use Ollie for our two yorkies with no problems whatsoever. They’ve never had any issues, no diarrhea, no vomiting, zero. Plus they love the food. Maybe your dog has a issue not related to the food?
@becky411234 OK Clearly I'm here because of a similar problem. Our last batch of Ollie and three dogs with diarrhea. Clearly something in that batch needed to be recalled.