On Appropriate Weight for your GSD - or; Your Dog is Fat


New member
(I get that I'm probably going to be lambasted here for this post.. but take the following with a grain of salt.)

I'm a frequent visitor and sometimes contributor to this sub and I've been noticing something the last little while.. a lot of your dogs are overweight.

Yeah, I know.. it's taboo to say things like that. People tend to get offended at a comment like this about their dogs almost as quickly as if the comment was being lobbed at themselves. But as more and more pictures of unhealthy dogs show up, I'm finding it harder and harder to not comment about the weight of these dogs... so, if you're still with me, here's some information you can take or leave at your pleasure.

Our dogs depend on us to be responsible for them. To give them a good life and help them lead a healthy lifestyle. To watch out for them and help them be a part of our lives as long as they can. I think we can all agree that a dog that looks like this is carrying "a little extra". But even dogs that look like this are pushing it.

See this chart over at petcarerx.com. Does your dog fit into the 4-5 category? It should. You can look here if you want more detail. If your dog doesn't have a long-haired coat, you should be able to see a little bit of ribs sometimes, especially when they're running or laying on their side (GSDs are a "ribby" breed). You should be able to see that nice tuck in their abdomen and a little bit of hip bone. The definition/dip between their hips and stomach should be visible. This and this are what you're aiming for. A few more examples.

If your dog is actually at this healthy weight, you'll get your fair share of "your dog is too skinny!" and "are you actually feeding that thing?".. sometimes even from your own vet! People have gotten used to seeing this breed overweight, so dogs at the actual, correct weight can look out of place. Don't let that make you feel guilty. And I'm not here to tell you that it's not ok for your dog to be big. While I prefer sheps that meet the standards, I get that there are dogs out there that are 100lbs and the perfect weight for their structure. I also get that there are dogs out there that are 100lbs and should be 85. Please remember that you have a breed that is more prone to hip problems and excess weight on those joints does not help over time. Also, just like in humans, excess weight can cause other health problems and just plain shortens life spans.

I'm not trying to be abrasive here.. just hoping to show a few people what to look for and only for the sake of your pets. If you can't see ribs and you can't see a tuck, it might be time to take a look at Deisel's diet.

@2daughters Great post. I freaked out when our vet told us our furbaby was overweight. I never wanted to do that to any of my kids. I always thought you were not supposed to see ribs but you are and now Blitz and I are working up towards a 5k together. We both need to lose 20lbs. :(
@tonyrichy86 That's awesome! I've never been able to make the commitment to distance running/biking/hiking with mine and I'm jealous. I tend more to the "you go burn calories chasing that ball/each other and I'll watch" kind of exercise plan ;)

So many people just plain don't know what a GSD's ideal weight/body condition is. It doesn't mean they're terrible owners.. just that they've never been shown/told. I'm glad someone pointed it out to you.. I wish vets did this more.
@2daughters Thanks for bringing awareness to this issue. It's very easy to disregard the weight and health of a dog.

That said, I hate how they keep portraying GSDs in that strange forward position seen in three of the last examples. It looks odd and doesn't feel right :|
@tikhonofsc Yeah, that show pose always strikes me as odd. One of the many arbitrary things they look for at dog shows. But oh well, some people will show their GSD while I'll play and cuddle with mine.
@tikhonofsc I'm not a big fan of the angulation of show dogs, either.. and that's shown off pretty well in those last couple examples. I do realize that there are a number of people in this sub that have sheps with show in their pedigrees, though.. so I wanted to give a couple examples that maybe looked more like their dogs :)

Mine are working line and tend more towards the first two example pictures.
@2daughters Thank you for this. My brother-in-law grew up with German Shepherds and every time he sees mine he says he's too skinny. I always tell him, "No, yours' are overweight," yet he refuses to listen because you can see my dogs ribs. His are cooped up in a backyard and house while mine has 6 acres of fenced area to roam on and on a great diet. I play ball with him everyday, also. Veterinarian has also told me that Moses is in perfect health and to keep up the good habits! Hopefully this post will be insightful to my brother-in-law.
@altair Depending on coat type, there's nothing wrong with being able to see a little rib. A LOT of rib is bad, though. The tuck and hips are where you watch for a dog being underweight.
@2daughters good post, OP. I guess it comes from people overestimating the size german shepherds should be so they figure those large gsds are how they should look.
@elohim Aye. I hear that a lot.. "My dog is HUGE! It's 90lbs at 10 months and still growing!"

Fat shepherds don't give you bragging rights, but a lot of people just plain don't know that. It's supposed to be a medium-sized breed.. now even if you have dogs larger than "medium", no big deal.. as long as they're not dragging their stomachs on the ground, heh.
@2daughters My dog is almost thay big. We have known he was going to be about this big since we got him though. His dad was 110 and his mom was 80. He's FINALLY started slowing down on growing and eating.
@2daughters My pup, Thor just turned 2 and he is hovering at the 65 lbs mark and imo he looks amazing. He and I run together and do several activities. He is fed a great brand of food (Taste of the wild) and he eats 3-4 cups a day. Yet I am told by my vet that he needs to be at 75 lbs. I don't know how to agree. I'd say on the scale you pictured he'd be a 4 maybe like 3.7. He looks a LOT like the reference pictures you mentioned above. Regardless, thanks for showing this, people passing judgements on me as an owner when I care more for him than I do myself.
@blessedian I can see four cups a day at that weight. One of my bitches is 72lbs and eats 4 cups of TotW to maintain.

I'm no vet, but if you want to post a couple pictures, I can give you an opinion, whatever that's worth. Not a fan of vets that overestimate how much a dog should weigh..a lot of them do it, too.

If you ARE looking to add a few non-fat pounds, add some boiled chicken and an egg a few times a week. The protein will put a few pounds of muscle on an active dog :)
@2daughters Thanks I will actually post some pictures just because I want to show him off anyway, love my dog. Oh don't worry he gets spoiled with eggs, chicken, rabbit when I get one hunting, all that jazz. I will work on getting some pictures posted here in a few. Actually I have a video from about a year ago where the vet was telling me that he needed to gain 15 lbs!

I will add more when I find some more recent.