New dog, New problem


New member
My family just recently got a new dog, and older one at 7, German shepeard mix, and has cased nothing but trouble. She isn't as hyper as our current dog when when our current dog(dog a) went to go lick the new dogs(dog b) face, she attack. Dog b fell over, and dog a followed, turning into a bitting war. Dog b wasn't scratched but dog a was bleeding tremendously. We had to take tog a to the animal er but luckily didn't need any kind of stitching or surgery. Currently next morning, we have to separate them at all times, dog a now being scared shitless of dog b, and dog b growling, showing teeth, and barking. Neither I or my family wants know what could happen next and don't know how long this will last.
@namlien Did you properly introduce them? Don’t let them sort out their disagreements on their own, owners are responsible for keeping all their pets safe from each other. There were probably body language cues that Dog B was demonstrating before biting Dog A. It’s important to listen to what they’re saying. I’d suggest contacting a dog trainer and going from there.