Nervous Being Alone W/ My Puppy


New member
My partner and I got a sweet little puppy a week ago. She's amazing, pretty chill, and listens well. We're both happy with the decision to adopt her! But, since bringing her home, I've been pretty anxious whenever I'm alone with her. Partner works in-person, I WFH, meaning I'm alone with her for about 8 hours a day on weekdays. I'm not sure about the origin of this anxiety. I don't feel scared of her. It's just a random fear, I suppose. Has anyone dealt with something similar? I'd love advice.
@hoop The first thing to do is to ask yourself what you're afraid of. You mentioned anxiety, but not of what.

Afraid of not giving her enough attention?

The puppy will need to learn independence one way or another, and you being WFH is already more attention than most puppies get.

Afraid of teaching bad behavior?

Raising a puppy is a learning process for everyone involved, so you're allowed to mess up. Nobody raises a dog perfectly, and the faster we accept that, the less stress you'll have. Also avoid comparing puppies from social media - it's all an illusion.

Afraid of the puppy getting hurt/sick?

Dogs are hardy. So long as they don't get into toxic chemicals, recreational drugs, or forbidden foods, they'll normally be alright. Find a secure room you can quarantine her in during your busiest hours, and you should be fine.

I'm sure most of us will feel more reassured with backup in the form of another person. But I promise you - it's not that scary. Deep breaths, and give yourself the leeway to mess up. I raised my girl alone and also dog-sat for my buddy and his wife's dog. Their dog acts no different with me than with them. Maybe do video calls with your partner throughout the day to reassure each other. Best of luck, and remember - RELAX.
@rockinred2016 I wish you the best in navigating this time period! I'm sure that, despite our shared fears, nothing will go wrong. Our pups will thrive with us by their side. :)
@hoop You’ll be okay! It’s overwhelming cause you feel you have to do so much and do everything right. But you clearly care about her. Potty breaks, play/train, sleep, and food. You don’t have to do it all perfectly, because I promise things won’t go perfectly. You’re puppy won’t judge you if it’s not perfect either. As far as they know, they’re in a house with lots of love which is the best thing! You got this!

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