Needing help/opinions *Labrador back/hip issues*


New member
Hello - I have a 5 year-old predominately black Labrador (potentially some shepherd/pointer mix) male dog. He has lived a very healthy and active life up until about 5 months ago. He started limping after playing (favorite thing to do is play frisbee) after some downtime, it would appear better and we would resume playing within the next few days. Over time, the limp has become more consistent. My fiancé and I took him to the vet and she was convinced it was caused by early onset of hip displacia*? But our vet even acknowledged that his hips look very healthy and pretty normal - so we gave him a pain killer and an anti inflammatory for 2 weeks and rested him. We resumed to light play as prescribed and went right back to limping and stiffness after getting up from laying down. We took him to another vet for a second opinion. She examined the x rays and agreed his hips look quite healthy - so she thinks he slipped a disk in his back. We did a low-dosage ketamine injection and now 3-4 weeks of bed rest along with pain killers and anti inflammatory’s (we did about 3.5) again, resuming light play, nothing seems to be helping. After any kind of running or quick movement, our dog subsequently limps after activity and we can hear his back cracking when he lays down/gets up - looking for any possible solutions perhaps we should look to get an MRI or if anyone has experienced something similar - TYIA