Need validation - 2 hours to groom geriatric doodle (medium sized)

I just need to get some validation on this. I don’t think normally that I’d be bothered by this, because it really isn’t that bad but it sort of rubbed me the wrong way anyways and has been on my mind since…

Today, there was a doodle booked for me and my bather at my van job. 1.5 hour was the estimated/allotted time for the dog to be completed, and the following appointment was scheduled accordingly. I generally take 1.5 hours to groom any doodle! Definitely longer if matted. Honestly, for the most part any full groom dog at all takes me at least 1 hour 15 min.. so I guess I’m sort of a slow groomer, especially given that I usually work with a bather. But I work around dogs, I’m gentle and I don’t use force to rush through anything. On the easy dogs… well I just like to make those haircuts look damn nice, it’s my opportunity to be a perfectionist and hone my skill!

So the dog in question was 16 years old& two other grooming establishments told the owner that they could no longer groom the dog due to safety reasons. Being mobile and working with a partner, it’s kind of what we do so that’s fine. I was a bit irritated that my boss had only booked 1.5 hours, but the dog wasn’t matted so figured we could do it. To reduce stress of drying time, we pre shaved him anyways (can’t run a/c while drying).. his head and tail had been left long too and owner wanted him all in a #5, so it made sense to do in case it were to stress him out at his old and delicate age. It is honestly a really good thing we did this because he pooped pretty much nonstop the WHOLE time during prepping. He was a little bit tricky for his face too.. nuances aside, this was very much NOT a one person job… one person to clean shit off of him and our table, the other to keep shaving. But he also could NOT stand. So the poo was genuinely getting all over him, not to mention when bather was unable to stand him up due to cleaning shit, it was very difficult to shave around his legs and underside, as at that point, I really needed him to be standing to get it done. But all the other parts, we honestly let him sit and lie down as he pleased and worked around him rather than forcing him into any position that might be aggravating to his rear legs

Owner came and checked on us 3 times throughout the course of our groom. Not only had we explained the pooping, she also got to see our 4-hands-on approach to keeping her dog safe and handling him in the most gentle of ways possible. I honestly thought we had shown and told the situation quite well and communicated nicely. Any brief moment one of us spent not completely with our attention on the dog, was spent contacting the next two appointments to reschedule and contacting our boss to explain the situation. We would have loved to do this appointment in 1.5 hours. It screwed up the whole day! And it could have even taken more time because it was just not a perfect groom by the time he went in. Mostly preshaved with some key touch ups, but we did call it due to timing and his age

Anyways, after we finished, owner asked if it would be quicker next time. Such simple question that wouldn’t normally bother me but it made me feel so belittled and offended. Maybe the way she said it or how she kept checking on us? I kindly I explained no and why it wouldn’t… I’m sure she was just worried about her old baby, maybe I’m just insecure about my grooming speed already and upset about elongating a day that I really needed to be a half day for my side gigs. But it hurt my feelings. We did our best and put so much love into it when other groomers would not take that risk (understandably). It just makes me second guess whether I’m too slow for geriatric dogs, if we could have done anything.. or if that lady was just sort of mean, intentional or not.. I guess it’s sort of AITA, Grooming edition.. like did we really take too long? I just wanted to see what you all thought and anyone else’s methods for geriatric dogs, how long it takes..
@catharinealice91 My approach to geriatric dogs is, put comfort first and take breaks. The groom often takes almost 1.5 times the length of a regular groom of a younger dog. For my oldest arthritic dog, I do the bath and most of the blow dry, then we take a break and she gets to lay down for about 30 minutes. Then we do the haircut, and if her back legs start slipping we take another 30 minute break. I’m still trying to groom as fast as possible, not going for perfection just comfort, but the process naturally takes longer overall. You’re doing what’s best for the dog, even if the owner wants them done faster, you do what you gotta do. It sounds to me like you’re taking great care and putting the dog’s safety first which is always the right thing to do! Try not to take the owner’s comment to heart, they don’t always see from the same perspective or understand all of the work that goes into grooming these old dogs. It’s an amazing and necessary service you provide, don’t let anyone rush you. :)
@catharinealice91 I won’t work on an older dog if the owner can’t be patient. I will not rush through a groom like that.

To be frank though, it sounds like that’s a dog that should be going to the vet for a comfort shave at this point. I hate breaking that news to people but it really is what is best for some dogs.
@catharinealice91 I’ve been at my shop for 14 years and been grooming for 31. A lot of my regulars are now very geriatric and do take longer. I find that if I explain why to the client, and to the one after I may keep waiting, and it’s usually understood. I always put the dog first, and stick to that in my words and actions to the clients. They bay not understand at first, but in the end they do appreciate it and trust me more as a result. I consider it a privilege to care for the old ones. I have an almost ungroomable six pound shih-tzu that I bought a tiny muzzle for so I can get the basics done. She will be 16 in July and I dread grooming her the most even though she’s mine. Lol. Boney little bitch who screams and bites. She’s definitely the dog I deserve, but I use her as an example to my clients who don’t get how scary it can be for a dog when blind and hating the face done anyway. Keep doing what you’re doing. You seem very responsible!

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