Need some advice on tick removal and repellent


New member
I have been taking care of 2 stray dogs and one of them has 2 lil puppies(4 dogs in total) , today found out that the mom and her kids has a huge tick problem.I pulled out some of them but some ticks are ether too small to grab or they are like 1/2 inside the skin and I am afraid that pulling them might hurt the puppies, my mom bought me a liquid medicine but they doesn’t like it too much when I rub them with it. I am planing on buying the tick repellent collars and tags for them but idk if they work and if they are safe for puppies. If u guys know if they work or not and if they are safe it would be great + if u guys could mention any good medicine or chemicals that are safe for puppies for removing/repelling ticks that will help a lot . Thanks
@dizzy11981 I’m not the best person for tick removal advice. I just pinch and try to get the full head, not just the body. Doesn’t bother me. It’s part of what you sign up for when you get a dog.

For flea/tick prevention, We use Advantix once a month. Ok for puppies 7 weeks and older. Advantix was recommended by our rescue (a highly respected rescue). Never heard of a tick medicine you rub on a dog. To properly apply Advantix, you don’t rub it on, you part the fur and put one drop on the skin, in spots, all down their back, from collar to tail.

Our dog doesn’t like it when we apply it but it is the responsible thing to do, to prevent Lyme, which would be far worse.

We have seen one tick on her in 2 years. Zero crawling around the house. .
@dizzy11981 What country are you in?

Oral tick prevention is the most effective. It kills the ticks and they eventually fall off so you wouldn’t need to pick them off yourself. However that would need to be obtained from a veterinarian.

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