Need HELP getting puppy to stop rough playing and biting my other dog


New member
My golden retriever puppy is 9 months old and we also have a St. Bernard that’s 3. The golden retriever constantly initiates play w the Bernard who is uninterested. It seems playful and non-aggressive, but I really don’t want them playing together at all due to their large size difference. The St. Bernard will often whine when the golden puppy grabs his ear but the puppy won’t stop even then. I still don’t think it seems aggressive (he does fine w other dogs, no aggressive body language that ik of) and that he just hasn’t learned yet that this means stop, but idk how to get him to learn this and am worried one could lose an ear. I also think the puppy accidentally made the Bernard’s mouth bleed while face biting. It sometimes even looks like one could bite an eye. Currently, I try to redirect by doing training w the puppy, but right after he tries to play again and again. I’ve been avoiding punishment training but fear a shock collar is my last option (I prob wouldn’t use the shock and just the beep/buzz, but still I’d rather avoid punishment if possible). HELP!!!!
@alvacam That’s what I’m wondering…the Bernard did this at this age too and just grew out of it, but I can’t risk one of them losing an ear or eye