Need enrichment ideas for very smart, active pup in e-collar with limited activity for 3 weeks


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I have an 8yo GSD who just had a surgery on one of his paws, plus a biopsy done on his nose which has been splitting open chronically for around two years. He is used to getting a 1.5-2.5 mile loose-lead walk, plus two visits to a nearby park for 20-30 minutes of fetch with a chuck it. On top of this, we usually do at least one enrichment activity a day, be it a wobbler, a snuffle rug, or scent work with some treats.

Unfortunately, his walks need to essentially stop (very short distances are alright), the running/fetch obviously is out, and worst of all, all of our go-to mental stimulation is either a risk to the stitches in his nose or impossible to do with the e-collar.

His pain meds help him to sleep, and he’s very good at managing boredom on a normal day anyway, but I feel awful and he’s already getting stir-crazy just two days in. We have taken him on short drives, but his collar catches the wind so even that isn’t as fun for him. He’s a super smart pup, not very food motivated, and I’m at a complete loss for mental stimulation. He wants to play with the ball, but obviously we can’t. I’m able to be home with him 75-90% of the time. Any ideas? TIA.
@mumof4grls When my dog was recovering from an emergency surgery, he was not allowed to play for some time. So we were also able to get a prescription for a sedative for him to keep him calmer throughout the day. He wanted to play so bad but if he did he could have torn open his wound again. So it was worth it. He’s better now and can play :)
@mumof4grls Only thing my dog really goes nuts for is his antler, not sure if that would be okay for your boy?
Maybe teach him new tricks like the name of his toys? So you can say ‘go get Teddy’ and he’ll know what you’re talking about

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