My puppy turned 6 months old yesterday- here’s what I wish I could tell myself when he first came home!


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Time really does fly by. My little former landshark/pee machine/reactive/restless pup is half a year old. I can already see signs of adolescence popping up so I know we’re not completely in the clear but man is it 100x easier than when he was 8 weeks old! Here are some of the main things I wish I could tell myself when he was younger.

1. It’s okay to cry.

I so badly wanted to return my puppy until he was around 4.5 months old. Yes, I was in complete loathing in regret for around 2 and a half months until things got better. I really got the short end of the stick with puppyhood it seems as my puppy had no cute moments and NEVER made me happy. It was just me waking up, taking care of the dog, and going to bed. I cried and had multiple panic attacks. But ykw? I have a best friend now. He’s my little buddy and I want to do everything with him compared to before where I’d dread having to let him out of his crate. Puppy blues are real. It’s a huge change in lifestyle and your stress levels are high as all hell when you’ve suddenly got a baby animal who’s completely dependent on you. It’s okay to evaluate your own emotions and thoughts and just let it all out.. IT GETS BETTER.

2. You literally will only have bloodied arms for like, a week or two.

The biting was one of the worst things for me when my puppy was a baby. Mine was especially bitey, with a pressure that the vet said was “unusually hard for an 8 week old.” He would draw blood almost every single time you tried to interact with him. If you stay consistent with your methods, honestly you won’t notice a major “omg! he’s stopped biting” moment. But you’ll notice that from 10 weeks old to 12 weeks old your arms no longer have scratches. And as you go on and on you’ll think back on how puppy nipping was your biggest issue! My boy can still get a bit mouthy when he’s very excited but he hasn’t drawn any blood since he was around 3 months old and has had a completely soft bite since around 4 months old.

3. No, he doesn’t have a UTI, he’s just an asshole.

My puppy was an absolute PEE MACHINE!!! He would pee 5 mins after coming inside and proceed to pee like 8 times in a single hour. He even went to a vet to see if he had a UTI and nope, all clear. Potty training is honestly annoying and the constant waking up in the middle of the night in winter to take the puppy out was honestly something I’d rather not do again. My pup is pretty much fully potty trained I’d say but he is starting to excitement pee which we are hoping will get better with age! This one is also very much about consistency and you will get there. A day with 0 accidents, a few days with 0 accidents, then a week and a month will pass by and you won’t even notice!

4. Don’t be scared of enforced naps.

I think I deleted the post but I wrote something on here about how I wish I didn’t enforce naps because my pup can’t self-settle. He still struggles in new environments but at home? He has all his fav sleeping spots: beside the yard doors, in the dining room, cuddled up next to his pillow. We put the crate away 2 weeks ago and haven’t used it at home for a month. All this happened in an instant because my pup before would not sleep. He would spend all day awake making my life miserable and we would both be losing our sanity. We needed to enforce 2 hr naps at least 4 times a day and it seemed like A LOT of crate time. I was extremely guilty and making constant posts on here about how to get my pup to self settle because I hated him being locked up in his crate for simply not being able to nap and comparing him constantly to my friends’ puppies who nap wherever. It just happens!! If anything enforced naps taught my pup that its not always go time and there’s plenty of time to relax even while stuff is going on. I think it’s contributed to the amazingly calm and lazy dog at home that he is today.

5. Good job on the separation training!!

I had to give myself some props here, lol. Enforced naps were a form of separation training on its own because we would cover the crate completely for him to sleep and I would go upstairs. I would also just leave him in the crate after mealtimes increasing 5 mins every day until he could be left alone in his crate, awake and without a peep for 1 and a half hours. Then letting him out loose and going somewhere where he wouldn’t have access to me was also great because guess what!! My 6 month old puppy has complete free roam (with upstairs still closed off) and a pen surrounding my sister’s Barbie Dreamhouse (so. many. little. parts.) He whines a bit when we leave but otherwise lays around or naps. He’s been alone like that for 4 hours before and it’s more than the amount of time he’d be left alone even assuming a normal schedule beyond the pandemic. He’s amazzzinggg and separation training although tedious can really pay off!

I think that pretty much covers some of the reasons why I wanted to return my pup. My puppy also had a ridiculously hard puppyhood (which could lead to an easier adolescence i hopee) so the extent to which I’ve written may not be relatable at all! But I just really want to drill in that with consistency and love, it. gets. better!!!

Edit for puppy tax!!

baby luca and
luca now!!

(also shameless plug our insta is @lucathedobermanx)
@vanderdeken Honestly I resonate with your point on enforced naptime. My puppy would settle himself and sleep the first week or so we got him, but after that it was constantly go time - always playtime, always getting up to mischief and always biting what he shouldn't! But after we forced his naps in he was more manageable, more relaxed, listened to us better and it was like having s different dog.

I'm so happy that you finally feel like you have a strong bond with your pup! It sounds like you've done an amazing job taming your land shark 😂
@imagebeastmarkbeast Same! Sometimes you forget you need to help yourself too don't you 😂 I was so worried about him not liking the cage but after a week or so he just got used to it, they're resilient little things
@vanderdeken I definitely enforce naps but it’s really a part of crate training that’s a part of potty training! No guilt here. I thought mine had a UTI too. Lol I need to separation train as well. I leave but only during her crate times. I’m concerned about separation anxiety.
@lionandlamb777 I'm in the same boat. I'm trying to leave her more while she's not in the crate which results I'm whimpering and once barking. She's getting better though. In the crate she's fine but out of the crate it's a different story.
@vesper1977 To avoid separation anxiety, be sure to go out for short periods leaving pup in crate with something safe to chew on. You can also leave crate open when you are home so she can wander in and out as she pleases.
@vesper1977 Right there with you. Our puppy is now 6.5 months old and he definitely still shows signs of distress when we leave. Giving him a Kong has helped. He will bark his head off for maybe 15-20 min and then go off and on with whimpering until we return. His breed is somewhat predispositioned to SA, so we’re trying to keep expectations realistic.
@vanderdeken Enforced naps ftw. I just started my 8 mo puppy back on enforced naps and he is so much better behaved and only barks for about 5 seconds in the crate before going to sleep. He even sleeps better at night now!

Enforce for as long as it takes I say!
@vanderdeken If only I had this post a few weeks ago, it probably would’ve saved me a lot of heartache and crying.

To whoever is going through any of this right now, OP is correct in all points, it DOES GET BETTER.

Especially #2 and #4. I was convinced I was given a demon dog and was so stressed over all my ripped clothes. But like OP said, stay consistent with your methods (whether it’s redirection, time outs, leaving the room, yelping, etc.) and it will stop.
The enforced naps were a GAME CHANGER. I have a border collie and was told time and time again they have so much energy that you need to drain! So we would play and play and play hour after hour. Which would cause her to go nuts. Once I realized that was a tired temper tantrum and not extra energy, into the crate she went for a lovely 2 hour snooze. She is now able to self regulate and I’m typing this as she’s sleeping by her own choice beside me on the couch

If I could add one more point it would be avoid Google as much as you can when looking up methods or advice. The amount of contradicting articles on there drove me INSANE. Yelp when bitten, but don’t yelp! Give time outs, but NEVER give time outs! If your puppy is barking they’re perfectly healthy, but they are also sick and dying!!! Instead, ask a trusted friend. Go to a puppy class. Speak to a professional trainer. Consult Reddit posts that have lots of agreeing comments. Just avoid Google as much as you can.

Thank you OP, I’m sure this post will really help someone.
@joshua_sime_nz To be completely honest I wish I hadn’t scrolled this subreddit 24/7 when I got my dog because I kept comparing my pups progress to others his age that people were posting and there were sooo many contradicting posts as to what was right/what was wrong. Too much information is very real!
@vanderdeken We have a 10 week old corgi pup and I resonate so much with every single point you make here!

She pee's an inordinate amount and I'm getting up every 2-2.5 hours in the night to take her out to the toilet (she is getting better in this space and pretty much instantly goes back to sleep when replacing her in her crate).

The biggest issue for me right now is the biting, regardless of mood or what toys are present. As soon as I am within distance, her jaw is around my ankle/wrist - I know it will get better, but man it's tough right now.

It feels horrible as have the constant thought at the back of my head that she just doesn't like me much.
@wemchud 13 week corgi here. Biting is a staple of the breed and they supposedly ate out of it. We constantly have chew toys to redirect the little guy and if he bites hard we do a sharp NO and leave the room or go face a corner away from him saying playtime is over. He's getting a lot better but gets mouthy. Supposedly they really tone down after teething but you want to get it under control.
@emtor Thanks for your comment! Yeah, we are training it out of her. She is a lot more adamant with biting compared to every other aspect of training

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