My puppy peed 11 times in 4 hours in sitter’s apartment


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I tried out a sitter via rover for daycare to test run with my puppy for future daycare and boarding. My puppy is 99% potty trained and has only had one accident in my apartment in the last month. Within 4 hours she texted me that my puppy had peed OVER 11 times in her apartment and she couldn’t care for him going forward. I went and picked him up 4 hours early.I’m so sad and discouraged about having someone to watch him going forward. She did have a dog and I’m sure that really overwhelmed him. I feel terrible for stressing him out. Do I try again with another sitter?
@wyattwrd Awe. Poor puppy was probably just overwhelmed. Most sitters I’ve used didn’t hold the first 24 hours against my pup and understood she was a puppy and learning.
@christoph2005 Ugh I’m glad to hear that is the norm. I’m honestly so confused as to how it could have happened, and I don’t want to pass judgment on the sitter but I’m so frustrated
@wyattwrd Honestly they are just a puppy, it’s a totally new and overwhelming environment. They should have known that going in… that’s why most Rover sitters charge more for puppies.

Don’t despair! The right person is out there
@christoph2005 I messaged another sitter and basically explained the situation to them and suggested he meet new dogs and spend time in a gated off tiled area or in her yard so I’m hoping that goes better. Thank you for the support!
@wyattwrd I had a completely potty trained dog that, once we moved, peed and pooped in the house the first couple hours. Dogs get stressed out with new things, in time your doggie will know this is ok and you will be back. You should probably look into a place with outdoors access, maybe?
@wyattwrd This is on the sitter, in my opinion. Puppies (and dogs in general) don't generalize well. While he may know that he shouldn't potty in his house, he hasn't bridged that knowledge to apply to all houses / indoor locations yet. Hell, my girl had a relapse when we changed from wood floors to carpet. Took her a few days to make the connection.

The sitter should realize this and expect to have to take puppy out regularly. If a puppy was able to pee 11 times in 4 hours... the sitter wasn't watching him very well.
@wyattwrd Potty trained in his own home doesn’t necessarily mean the same will be true in a new environment. Especially if it’s a new person, new distractions etc.

Does he normally just wait at the door, whine, ring a bell? What was the plan supposed to be at her place? Poor little guy was probably super confused. Heck, I’m not too sure what my adult dogs would do about going potty if left at someone else’s house.
@richnlp This is a good point and something to think about in the future. But even if it was just not generalizing potty training, I don’t think he would go 11 times in 4 hours unless he was pretty stressed out. He usually goes maybe once an hour
@wyattwrd Puppies or any dogs in a new environment will behave totally different, let alone this is a puppy and still in potty training progress at his own house. Maybe try a new sitter that have extensive experience with puppies and have access to backyard, let them know what to expect and if they can help to keep up the training.
@wyattwrd I am a Rover sitter and it is very common to have a young dog ‘forget’ they are supposed to be housetrained. We have lots of different dog smells and a different routine. Usually it’s just a few incidents, but the frustrating ones can last the entire boarding. We just had one that pooped inside no matter what we did or how frequently we took her out. It was beyond frustrating and we were second guessing ourselves wondering what we were missing. Looking back we still can’t identify any cues we missed.

Four hours is not enough time to let the dog settle. But 11 times of little stress piddles is definitely a possibility. I can understand why the sitter would be overwhelmed.
@wyattwrd Definitely sounds like marking. My puppy did this when we went to someone’s apartment with a dog, and the same thing happened when a dog came to our apartment. The good thing is the issue went away once he was neutered. He still loves to mark outside, but indoors is no longer an issue. Don’t feel guilty!

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