My puppy is currently crying because: I opened a UPS package, but I am not letting her sniff its contents. Poor, poor baby

@jotch If you want to try it, I can give you a code that gets you a free month when you buy one. That way you can try 2 months and see if it's worth it.

We love it, she has so much fun with the toys. My only complaint is that because she's small, the 2 or 3 bags of treats each month are way too much. Last month I gave my friend with 3 dogs like 6 bags of treats because we just have too many.
@jotch My huskies LOVE Barkbox! I had to switch to the version for extra-tough toys though. :) Right now I can hear my girl chomping on the latest squeaky toy. So far she hasn't killed it! Some of the treats are weird - we got some strange fish corpse (really) things - dried - and both dogs were not enthused. Next door neighbor dog loved them though. You could always split a box with a friend! I am sharing some of mine with my daughter (she has a Pembroke! that is why I hang out here. He is Bruce.)
@gorhook I've been thinking about subscribing but since I also have a husky who destroys any toys in 2 mins I didn't think it was actually worth it. Didn't know they had an extra-though option. I also have a boston terrier so I would have to get a regular one also that would get destroyed by my husky anyway...
@imagebeastmarkbeast Yep, Jiro gets most of his toys/chews from amazon so now ANY amazon box is fair game even though 80% of them are not for him. He must be allowed to inspect all contents and determine himself that no Kongs, himalayan chews or nylabones are in there.

Getting his xmas gifts out of the box and into the stocking was a nighttime sneak effort!
@jotch Haha silly pups, this morning mine started barking at the dish I served his breakfast in after he had finished it. Like that was supposed to make it fill up again? Kiwi is adorable!!!
@jotch My pup loves carrying up small boxes from the mailroom to our apartment. She always tries to walk that direction when coming inside because she just wants to carry something in her mouth. She's cute/persistent enough that I let her carry junk mail up to the apartment instead of just throwing it out in the mail room because she's so happy.

She was a very very sad pup the day I received something too heavy for her to carry up herself so she had to watch me carry it and proceeded to pout for the rest of the night.

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