my puppy died today

@rmbinsb Don’t blame yourself, you did everything you could. You also gave her a loving home and life. You also gave her a kind and loving send off. The sad thing is they cannot tell us when in pain or feeling unwell. Dogs are troopers and often don’t show signs early on.

Our last dog had nasal cancer, it was very slow growth and only showed up till it gave him a tooth abscess.

By that point had taken over half of his skull and upper jaw, but it was only visible by CT scan. Two years prior he did a bit of snuffling his nose and sneezing one day, I even have a video of it as he looked so cute doing it. We thought it was because we’d mowed the lawn and he’d been chasing the mower. It literally lasted one day. But we now know that was most likely the cancer irritating his nose.

I blamed myself at the time, but even if we’d have taken him to the vets they would never have suggested a CT for one day of sneezing.

Be kind to yourself, you were a good dog parent x

Edit: just to further my comment. His bloods never at any time showed any cancer markers. It was only a biopsy taken as his wound wasn’t healing that initially showed it. Even then the vet was running a biopsy for bacteria and ran a cancer one as precaution. His X-ray didn’t show it either.

So even with a head full of cancer things can clinically be hidden.
@rmbinsb I’m so sorry you’re going through this. You did your best by her - she may have only had a few short months, but in that time, all she knew was love and care. Try to be easy on yourself — this is so hard and I’m so sorry. 💜
@rmbinsb I'm really sorry for your loss. I wish I could say something that would make you feel better, but stuff like this is just shit and there's no way around it.

Could this be the mystery dog respiratory illness that has been in the news the last few months? What I heard about it is that it happens really fast.
@rmbinsb I’m so sorry for your loss. When you went to the vet did they ever do X-rays? I’m asking bc my dog has had a kennel cough that’s lasted awhile but her X-rays showed her lungs were clear. Just making sure I’m not missing something.
@jareddavelipnowroy i did. and i was told it was fine that her brachial wall in her lungs was inflamed but not too bad. that she would be fine without antibiotics. i got them too. it would make sense because of the kennel cough. but she was getting better.
@rmbinsb I'm so so sorry for the horrible turns of events that have happened to you. Just know it's not your fault, you did everything you possibly could for her and I'm sure she had the best life possible before she went, she was loved and cared for and that's all she knew. Horrible things happen to good people and good dogs sometimes for no reason, it's not your fault. I know it's devastating now but with time you will heal and you will learn to live again.

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