My lovely dog keeps waking up at 5 am


New member
So my dog is 2.5 years old and I love her to death but every time I bring her home from college to my parents house during the holidays she wakes up between 4:30 and 5am. When I’m at my apartment she sleeps in even until 11am at times. I have a puppy as well, and so does my roommate but this does not affect her at home. My parents have 4 dogs at their house. I’m not sure what to do because she doesn’t use the bathroom that early when I take her out and she doesn’t get fed until later at my parents house either. If she’s not hungry and doesn’t need to use the bathroom why does she started getting up and pacing my room and whining so early ONLY at my parents house?? Help!!

dog #question #help #tired #aw​

@matteus Before going to bed try taking them for a really long walk. I have been slowly training my dog to wake up a little later each day but taking him for a walk right at about 6:30am and at night.

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