My heeler doesn't want to eat; at least not his dog food. Need advice


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My 8 year old Blue heeler doesn't seem to be interested in his food. He doesn't show any interest in any food but human food. He's currently on Hills Senior, and had previously been on Hills D/D and K/D. Both of which he's lost interest in. He's lost a good bit of weight and I just don't know what to do because I can't afford to go the the vet.
@blight91 Why eat the same old stuff when his human has different foods multiple times a day? Are you feeding him from your plate? Starve him for 24 hours or more (call it a fast if you prefer) And then serve him his normal meal. Or maybe he has a food allergy? His poo OK?
@tsundoku Hills just sucks for palatability. Of my five dogs that have required a special diet, it has never, ever been anything but a waste of time and money. Hamburger and rice, every time. Clarification: If I could have gotten them to eat it, I would have. I’m sure it’s therapeutic for the odd pup that will eat it. But even my Beagle said, “No way.”

Those are good foods that you are speaking of. I would first try a little chicken or beef broth on his dry food. That livens food up and he may eat. If he is not eating after that then a Vet visit is in order. Also, have you wormed him recently? When they don't feel well they go off their food.​

@blight91 I have a timberwolf / healer. Mix and sometimes he'll go 6 or 7 days without eating. He'll take 1 singoe piece of food and take it to a different spot and eat it slow. Found out this was the case when I finally took him back out on the road with me for work. First thing i did was take him to the construction site. He loves running around in all that fresh dirt and he grew up on a construction site, so it's probably his favorite place. I let him do that for about 15 minutes then put his leash on him which to him is punishment, then took him to the hotel and put him in a crate with just his food and his water. I told myself I wouldn't let him out until he finished it. He didn't even touch it! didn't even drink the water just to be stubborn!! A day and a half remaining stubborn.... that cant be normal right?!?!, it's unreal. Finally, a friend said a spoonful of honey and He'll eat anything. Didn't have honey in the hotel but remembered He was taken away from his mom. Super young 'cause the dad was eating the puppies and he had shaking leg syndrome, so he was calcium deficient. When he was a pup. I gave him yogurt as a supplement cause it's high in calcium. A cup of yogurt a spoonful of peanut butter and a small amount of milk mixed well with his dog food. Ate it all in thirty seconds. He's waaaaay too smart. Never barked ever! Not once in the year of his life as of yesterday. Wolves don't bark I guess, they communicate in various moans and gutteral sounds people think are growls. I love it! we should've never taught dogs to bark it's way better when nobody can hear them coming!!!!!
@earvin I second taking a good look at his teeth. Pain form bad teeth might make your dog reluctant to eat hard things like kibble. Unfortunately, only a vet will be able to fix that...
@blight91 Our 2 yr old girl loses interest in all of the food we try, and has been they way since 4 months old. We have been using Biljac frozen most recently and she’s been eating longer than any other food so far, not sure if it’s available everywhere. We also made homemade dog food for our previous seniors dog. The vet recommended it. She said, it’s not uncommon as they get older. There are good recipes online. we used ground turkey as the base.
@blight91 My 3yo Texas Heeler turned into a picky eater. When we switched food over to Purina Plus Digestive Health for our 2yo Blue Heeler's gut issues he started chowing down and loves it
@blight91 I agree with adding broth to the food, though use low salt ones, as an idea. Since he's become too skinny adding vegetable or fish oil would help with the weight and makes all food more palatable. Since so many people have said that brand is poorly accepted, maybe your vet can also find another food that will support your dog and be something he'll eat.

If you're giving people food at any time, maybe only give it in small doses mixed with the dog food to boost the flavor? You can also slowly cut back on the people food or switch to only rice with meat broth, bits of meat, or vegetable/fish oil while trying some of the other ideas. That way he's eating something while you sort out the dog food situation.

Best of luck.
@blight91 My dog acts like he doesn't want to eat his food. I started pouring a little plain kefir on top, adding a big spoon of pumpkin puree, and topping it off with a lot of warm water. He loves it.

I also sometimes add broth and rice or meat etc but so far he likes the kefir and pumpkin best. The warm water will also help soften if his teeth are bugging him.
@blight91 My previous senior ACD went through the same thing, stopped eating for a bit. Switched him to Purina One and he loved it (though my current one doesn't seem to). Is he drinking ok? It could be something as simple as food, but it could also be something more serious. Someone else mentioned tooth issues, in my previous ACDs case it was intestinal cancer. There are any number of issues that could manifest in not eating, from serious to minor. If you can find a way to spring for a vet visit that might be the only way to know for sure, but unfortunately that may just lead to more expensive tests :( Hope he starts eating for you though, they are our best buds!