My German Shep./Husky Mix is 10 months old and hasn't grown past 30 lbs. Is this normal?!


New member
I worried she may have stunted growth. All other German/Husky mixes were close to 100 at her age. Will she really grow that much in 2 months?

She has been eating normally and I've been making sure she gets proper exercise/nutrition. No other health problems, either. Maybe she just has a small growth rate?

Any advice/speculation would be most appreciated!

EDIT: Photos of Lupa.



@starlight541 She looks proportional to her paws from the photos you posted, so I wouldn't expect her to grow much more. She doesn't look stunted to me. Lupa is a beautiful dog and very unique. She looks healthy: good coat, good weight for her size. I wouldn't worry about her being stunted.

Dog size is primarily controlled by one gene. Since she's a mutt it's likely that there's a smaller breed in the mix.

My GSD was 38.8 lbs at 4 months. He'll be two in September and he's around 85lbs now. I'd estimate your dog will be max of 45 lbs.
@starlight541 well if she's a mix then there's probably another breed going on in there. Maybe you'll get lucky and it's corgi. corgi/shepherds are just about the cutest dogs.

Give us a picture, depending on how her joints and paws look you can tell if she's still growing.
@starlight541 With the brindle on her I suspect there is a breed in her which may be a pitbull breed. Some breeds of pitbull are only 40-60 pounds. That being said she is only 10 months and dogs generally keep growing to 2 years of age, I wouldn't worry.
@starlight541 looks like shes obviously mixed with something else, definitely not stunted growth just look at her paws.. shes at adult size.

pretty sure you can find out a more detailed background to her if you take her to a vet.. I think they have a test or something for it?
@starlight541 Might grow to be another 10-15 more pounds, but the others are right. Her proportions seem right. My Mocha was a GSD/Rot mix and was fully grown by 8 months or so. She passed away during the summer, but was a good 50-60 lbs when she was at her healthiest. Then again, she ate like a beast...