My friend’s roommate is a neglectful pet owner. What should I do?


New member
My friend (m) and her roommate (p) have both recently adopted one dog and one cat each. To my knowledge neither have owned a dog before.
P adopted a 3 year old and fully untrained pit a couple of months ago. He is aggressive and attacks other dogs (he has attacked me and my service dog.)
2 weeks ago, M picked up an emaciated hound off the side of the road (40+ lbs under weight, with hook and ring worms and an ear infection.)
I have been informed that my service dog is no longer welcome, and M’s dog has to be locked into her room and escorted to the back yard occasionally but has no access anywhere else. This is because P’s dog attacks her.
To make it worse, P picked up a kitten (the size of the palm of my hand) out of a parking garage and brought it home. She left it in a crate alone with no litter box, (to my knowledge no food) and with no attention for 6+ hours. As far as I am aware she is left crated and alone for hours on end and nobody ever interacts with her because she “won’t stop pissing and shitting all over us”

I’m legitimately concerned and don’t know who to contact. I don’t want to cause any harm to that dog and could never be responsible for his death, but he has a track record of biting and attacking my service dog and I as well as an emaciated dying dog. I’m terrified that he is going to disfigure or kill a human or another animal, she refuses to train him, and nobody will talk to her about it. I don’t want him to be put down but he’s a danger to himself and others.
@kellyxg Call animal control. Immediately. This is severe abuse. I understand the fear of a very aggressive dog being put down, but you need to keep in mind that the current quality of life for that dog is absolutely miserable. Same goes for the other animals.

On a more emotional, less factual note: People like this who rEsCuE animals so they can feel good about themselves while completely disregarding the animals' wellbeing make my blood boil like very few other things.
@onisha That dog has never set foot in a crate, can’t walk on a leash, can’t heal, had free reign of the house, and attacks all of the other animals. I was angry when he attacked my service animal and I, but even more mad when I found out he was attacking the new dog. Neither of them have the knowledge, money, training accessibility, or general resources to keep collecting sad animals. The kicker is, neither of them are supposed to have any animals in the unit
@kellyxg Every single bit of this comment reinforces me in asking you to call animal control immediately. You cannot let this go on. It's an extremely reckless situation. If no one interferes, there will definitely be at least one severely injured animal or human very soon. Prevent that. Call animal control.
@kellyxg You need to tell your friends though their intention is nice and you understand that they want to help, they are in no position to adopt or foster any animals. If they are living in a rental, having more than one animal is too much. At this point, they are hoarding animals.

You can call animal control or the apartment/rental property manager/owner and they will call animal control on your friends. Your friends might get an eviction notice for being crazy animal hoarders.