My dog seems to be limping and j think she strained her back leg


New member
Yesterday on our walk home from the park, I noticed my dog walking a little uneven. I thought maybe she stepped on something so I checked all the pads On her paws and didn’t notice anything amiss. I didn’t think much of it but today I noticed that she was limping and after observation I noticed it’s more on her back leg. Again I checked the pads of her paws I didn’t notice anything so I’m thinking that maybe she pulled her muscle yesterday when she was running at the park.

I took her to the park again today and kept her extra close eye on her and even though she was running a little uneven and strange she didn’t seem like she was in any particular pain and whatever is bothering her didn’t stop her from running up to the ball or playing with the other dogs.

Does anyone have recommendations of pain medication I can give her or should I just let her be and let it sort itself out? She Doesn’t seem to be in any particular pain, But should I have her take it easy anyway?
@davidmandy Hard to say when you don't see it yourself...

Limping can come from many things. Strained muscles, overstretched tendons or bones that no longer sit properly on each other. Do you know how to massage your dog and what to look for? Otherwise, a physical therapist can also help.

If you know where the pain comes from, you can also work with heat, similar to humans. Hot water bottle, grain pillow, etc. If you want to give medications like Traumeel or Metacam, I would always consult with the vet first.
@davidmandy I would take her to the vet to be sure. My dog limped a bit and then was running around like crazy so I was like I guess she is fine. Then a dog booty bumped her leg and she yelped. Took her in and turns out she had a minor tear to her ACL. The vet said if I would have let her continue to run/jump over things etc. she probably would have ended up with a larger tear that would require surgery. Dogs aren't often programmed to show you when they are in pain.