My dog seems to be getting worse after seeing a vet


New member
I live in Thailand and when a close friend passed away and I volunteered to look after my deceased friends Shih Tzu bitch named Pinkey

It soon became apparent that the dog has some sort of skin problem, so I took her to a local vet and the vet scraped the dogs skin and and took a sample . The vet came back and said that the dog possibly has one or more of the following problems…...

1 Mites / Fleas ………….. 4 Fungal infection. 7 Food allergy.
2 Bacterial infection………. 5 Dermatophyte. 8 Atopy ( Atopic dermatitis ) 3 Yeast infection………….. 6 Environmental allergy.

The vet then prescribe that I put the dog on one month diet of ….

Steamed fresh water fish
Steamed carrots + broccoli + pumpkin

No other snacks or treats other that raw carrots.

The vet then prescribed the following drugs to be taken for 1 month.

A. Cephalexin ( 500mg ) ½ a tablet 2 times a day B. Histan ( Hydroxyzine ) 10mg - 1-1/2 tablets 2 times a day. C. Spornar ( Itraconazole ) 100mg 1 casual after breakfast .

As far as I can see after daily checking the dogs for the possible Mites / Fleas problem , and seeing nothing I fitted a Flea and Tick collar .

The vet recommended that I shower the dog twice a week using Dermcare Malaseb dog shampoo.

Originally I gave the dog mains tap water to drink , but recently changed to bottled drinking water.

Its now been nearly 3 weeks the dog has been on the above diet and taking the prescribed drugs , and showering schedule, but the dogs skin appearance in my view seems to be getting redder and worse.

Pinkey does constantly lick and scratch herself where her skin and feet are red.

I live in a fairly remote rural location and in my small village there is only one vet , the other nearest vet in a city is a 170 km ( 105 miles ) round trip taking a full day and is difficult to do . The local vet seems some what young in age and I don’t feel that confident .

I have been cleaning my house and stopped using any chemical floor cleaners or other products that may be causing an environmental allergy issue. The dog only goes out side to defecate and urinate and she does not wander around the garden very much.

The local vet is away at the moment ( possibly two weeks ) but on his return I plan to go and see him to outline my growing concerns about the dogs skin condition getting worse instead of better .

So in the meantime while I wait for the vet to return I’m hoping for any ideas , advice or suggestions that I can do to help Pinkeys situation .

Photographs of Pinkey's skin

Many Thanks in advance

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