My Dog saved my life tonight!


New member
4am / technically this morning/ Me in deep sleep. Just adopted 1 yr old dog 2 mos ago. He wakes me up barking his head off. I think 0 is wrong but get up. I see my front apt door wide open. My kitchen window wide open and a man running down the 3 flights of stairs! My dog is barking still. Guy yelled at me GET YOUR DOG OFF ME! My dog NEWTON scared him off! 100 things could hv gone wrong. I adopted the right dog from Harbor shelter!
@kasselkid4 My dog bit and wouldn’t let go of a guys arm who grabbed me on the street and he said the same thing to me! Like no? Why would I do that.
@flourish Did you still call the police and report it? Breaking and entering should be taken very seriously and now that guy knows what defense he needs to prepare for should he decide to come back. Please call the police and make a report, for your and your neighbors' safety
@mike88 Yeah that guy isn’t coming back. Doing a B&E with any dog present is too much of a pain in the ass. They’d rather take the chance of an easier target.
@seppi99 Yeah that's generally the case, but assuming a burglar will use common sense and rational decision making seems like a bad idea. Again not saying this is the norm, but I've actually had someone come back trying to b&e after getting scared off by my dogs the first time around. Especially if the would-be burglar is doing it because they're in severe drug withdrawal, desperation leads to poor decision making
@seppi99 Also the police literally wouldn't do anything except write a report in a notepad and then ignore it completely. Or ask to put your fingerprint in their permenant record to make sure you didn't break into your own garage... (that's what happened to me, told them no and to get out if they can't help)
@zaidagal I had a strange situation where we thought our house was being targeted, the police drove through the neighborhood frequently for a few weeks and identified improved security options at my house. It also puts it on record if there ever is a break in.
@zaidagal Depends where you live. In my town, the police will do a free inspection of your house/apartment and make recommendations for improving security. We had that done and they showed us the most vulnerable window (leading to basement, hidden behind a bush and a fence) and how to fix it (planted spiky berry bushes, added camera, put a strong lock on basement door)

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