My dog hasn't eaten much in 8 days and the rice she ate last night was undigested and turned black in her poop (help please) *poop photos attached*


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I have a 10 year old female chihuahua/papillon mix, 8 lb (normal weight). She has loved food and has polished off every single meal since the day I got her 6 years ago.

8 days ago on 1/22/24, she started showing disinterest in eating. She has only done this 1x before (when she swallowed a date pit, caused a blockage, and she eventually threw it up 2 days later). Last night I fed her brown rice and chicken, and this morning I could see the rice grains in her poop but they turned black, I'm worried that she has a GI bleed. See photos linked below.

The past 8 days I have tried the following:

-switch dog food brands (no interest at all)

-made her steak and chicken + rice (some interest but would not eat it until hours past her usual mealtime)

Main Symptoms:

-regurgitated her last meal 1x 15 min after dinner during our short walk on the sidewalk

-regurgitated her last meal 1x 2.5 hrs after dinner, right after we came home from a short walk

-this morning I could see the rice grains (from dinner last night) in her poop but they turned black, I'm worried that she has a GI bleed

Other notes:

-she got her labs done in 11/2023 (glucose, BUN:Cr, Albumin:Globulin, ALT and ALP all came back normal)

-normally she coughs a lot coming up the stairs or when she gets excited (collapsing trachea/reverse sneeze) but for the past 8 days, she has barely coughed at all

-palpated/touched/pressed around her stomach and intestines, she showed no discomfort and looked like she was enjoying the extra pets lol and I couldn’t feel anything (years ago when she swallowed a pit, I could feel it when pressing)

-went from 2x bowel movements a day to 1x (likely d/t less food, and they are much smaller logs). One of the days (maybe 4 days in), her bowel movement looked like a line/streak.

-she’s still drinking water (significantly less than usual) so I’ve been adding chicken broth to food I give her for more hydration

I’m taking her to the vet tomorrow and I’m just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, and if so what diagnostic tests should I be advocating for when I see the vet? I’m scared that they’re not going to find anything either. Any advice is appreciated!