Dog hasn’t eaten in weeks

@fliperacci901 Has your dog been tested for Parvo? Also try wet food… another thing is the nausea, maybe try bland foods like rice, chicken broth (no salt) plain chicken breast with the rice, works for my dog when he decides to stop eating. Can give some probiotics powder in it too
@fliperacci901 What’s her behavior like around the food bowl? Does she look terrified? I had to help my dachshund through meal shyness that caused her to barely eat. My ex wife’s dog used to attack my dog when food was involved. When they left, she was totally fine. When my roommate moved in with her cat who was chill, my dog thought the cat would attack her when she ate. I realized she was traumatized by the previous attacks and assumed all animals would hurt her when she ate.

When did you start noticing this behavior and can you think of anything really negative that started it?
@fliperacci901 Depression? And god forbid did your husband do something to her while you were away? I feel so bad for her. Is she at all interested human food/table scraps? I mix weruva brand canned food with rice and add on baked chicken on top. I know a lot of dogs that go crazy for weruva esp the steak and frites one. Maybe try that out!
@fliperacci901 Maybe ask your vet to check for addisons disease. Our dog acted the same way and almost died but she got a last minute diagnosis of addisons that saved her life

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