my dog has started laying down on walks when we come across other leashed dogs… why?

@de You can do it, too! I think the mantra I’ve developed is ‘management first.’ If you first focus on making sure your pup feels confident and secure, you can begin expanding their bubble of safety. I think that looks different for everyone, but the tools are universal—completely eliminating triggers and access to triggers inside the house is probably a good place to start, if you haven’t done that already.
@tsw613 We’re super fortunate in that he doesn’t seem to get triggered inside the house. It’s really just outside when I either can’t predict them or realize too late. That’s super encouraging though, thank you!
@de My dog does the EXACT same thing! Lays down flat on the ground until the literal second that the dog passes - once the other dog is past us, my dog will leap up/lunge/bark/go insane. I live in a busy city and I do my best to avoid other dogs but sometimes it’s just not possible. It’s also tough because he’s generally food-motivated, but when he’s in that anxious state, I can’t get him to focus on me, even when I’m holding his favorite treat.
@de My dog sometimes does the same. I always called her awkward because she loves dogs but can be awkward on first meeting.

Then I learned dog body language and holy Jesus was I wrong. The reason why she only likes dogs after a proper introduction? Because she’s terrified of them. Laying down, as other commenters said, is often a way to say I won’t bug you if you don’t bug me. This is the mindset of most fear reactivity. Is your dog treat motivated and used to taking treats from you while working? I would start carrying a high value treat with you on each walk and save it for “magnet hand” when you pass another dog.

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