My dog has been missing for 9 months and I think I just found her on the pounds website


New member
*Update: It wasn’t her :( *
I was living in North Carolina and getting ready to move to Atlanta. I came home from a funeral one day and my roommate said she left her outside and said she must have ran away but I didn’t believe her. My dog might chase squirrels but she’s domesticated as heck and doesn’t like being outside for too long. She’s a Yorkie named Heidi.

I looked for her and left some clothes outside in a crate, figuring she may have gone too far and got lost. But she never came back and eventually I had to move. I live in Atlanta now, and it’s been 9 months.

I was searching the lost dogs site in my old city (I do this sometimes because I really can’t just give up on my dog like this) and a dog that looks just like her is on there. I know it sounds crazy but I’m driving up there in the morning to see if it’s her. It’s a 4 hour drive and it will be totally worth it if I get to come home with my dog.

I would read stories about dogs traveling thousands of miles to reunite with there owners. But my little pup is too small to travel all the way out here and find me. She does have a great sense of smell though.

I hope it is her. I lose sleep some nights thinking about if she’s ok or not. I really hope its her. It’s just got to be.

The pound opens up at 11 tomorrow am and I want to be the first one to get there when they open. Should I bring a toy or some covers for her? Do you think she will remember me?
@zibi2392039 Don't assume the shelter will just hand her over without proof. Is she chipped? Bring that info. If possible bring vet records and put photos of her on your phone. Make sure to include some that highlight distinguishing marks and fur color/patterns. Don't expect a big greeting. She might be more likely to slink up to you or act like she might be in trouble. Sit on the floor and let her take her own time. You'll probably know before she does.

I really hope it's her, please update this post either way. If it's not her make sure they at least her photos and your contact information just in case.
@refei Awesome advice. She isn’t chipped but I still have hard copies of her vet records with me and hopeful my old vet in North Carolina will print out more if need be (they are open 24 hours a day). I have a new phone and I cry a lot when I look at old pics of her so I didn’t have any on it but I will download some tonight. Thank you.
@imagebeastmarkbeast My family is saying the same thing. But I’m about 30 mins away from Charlotte. No turning back now. I can’t think of any characteristic marking she has. But I have some video clips of her barking and snorting. I don’t know... Hopefully she will remember her name.

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