My 6 y/o mutt is now into his second week of not eating, vet is baffled


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My 6 year-old mutt, Pablo, stopped eating last Monday. He has been prone to hunger strikes lasting 2-3 days in the past due to his pancreatitis. Tomorrow will be the 9th day of no eating and the vet is at a loss for what to do with him now.

They have performed x-rays, an ultrasound, a ct scan, blood panels, stool testing and everything appears normal. He completed a round of antibiotics as a precaution. He was drinking plenty of water at home and the vet says he is well hydrated.

He has been at the vets for the past 48 hours receiving an IV drip that automatically dispenses his medication at regular intervals. Thinking about him all alone in a cage overnight is breaking my heart, but I know it's for the best.

Tomorrow they will perform a barium test as well as start a round of steroids as a last-ditch effort to reduce possible inflammation in his system, although I understand the steroids could aggravate his pancreatitis and make the situation worse.

The vet has suggested Pablo can go up to 3 weeks without food, so the clock is ticking. I'm looking for stories from owners in similar situations that might help us get down to the bottom of this issue.

UPDATE! The steroids caused a huge improvement and P has received an official diagnosis: Addison's Disease. He will have to have daily low-dose steroids and monthly injections for the rest of his life, but he seems to be on the mend and is back home now. Thanks everyone for your kind input.
@mminer237 I don’t have an immediate answer, but letting us know what type/amount of food he usually eats might help others with more knowledge make good suggestions. Another thing to include might be how/where he normally eats, if anything in the environment has changed, changes to lifestyle, etc. This is a heartbreaking situation and I’m sorry to hear it, but I’m sure you’ll get to the bottom of it!
@mfinnergab Thank you for your kind words.

He usually eats a 1/2 cup of i/D prescription dog food 3x/daily and the occasional pill pocket if he's having trouble with his pills. He was on strict orders from the vet to eat no other food/treats, but since he stopped eating she allowed us to try boiled chicken, lean hamburger, and white rice. He tried a few bites of warmed white rice on Saturday, but lost interest and would not try it at subsequent feedings. He completely refused the beef and chicken.

In terms of behavioral/environmental, one of our family dogs had to be put down (due to old age) early last month. I thought we were far enough removed that this would not be a factor.

Currently there is one other dog in the house (his brother, Shen) and their feeding and walk schedule has been consistent.
@mminer237 Check with your vet of course, but bone broth can be a great flavor enhancer and get dogs to eat. Tripe is also almost always a sure fire way to get a dog to eat, but I’m guessing that wouldn’t be allowed on the prescribed diet.

One possible other option, have your vet look at N and D it may be a good fit with a wider flavor variety
@mminer237 As someone who has had pets go through periods of low/no appetite, I really feel for you.

Have they tried appetite stimulants or fortaflora (it’s a probiotic powder that apparently tastes really good - though IIRC a main ingredient is nutritional yeast, so you might try just that?).

If you are pulling out all the stops, maybe see if there is a vet who offers acupuncture- it can be surprisingly helpful.

Don’t hesitate to take him for a second opinion if he is sent home without any diagnosis or solution.

(Also see if you can drop off a shirt that you have slept in/worn for them to put in his cage at the vet in the meantime. They find it comforting!)

I hope things turn around soon! 💕

(ETA: try posting this to r/dogs too if you haven’t already)
@everest These are all great suggestions, thank you. I think we have been holding out hope that the current vet will crack the case, but a second opinion may be warranted.

He is taking Entyce and another appetite stimulant that starts with an M... I can't remember it off the top of my head. I will look into the Fortiflora that you recommended as well.

I was also looking into CBD, but I'm hesitant to add it in case it interferes with his current medications.
@mminer237 Don't add it without talking to your vet. Frankly, there isn't any consistent regulation of quality nor is there sufficient research evidence on the safety of it long or short-term.

As a side note, just like humans, grief is a very real thing for dogs and cats and the depression it can bring. Whether they lose their human or another animal companion, the effects can be heartbreaking for them and can take a long time to recover from. Love, patience, and medical support is key. I'm hoping your little guy starts to perk up soon. Ask your vet if trying human baby food could be tried. Sometimes it can work wonders in my experience. I'm a veterinary technician btw. :)
@mminer237 Have they put him on any other meds? My pom has liver, gallbladder and pancreas problems and has to be on a prescription diet and at times will still not eat due to nausea and other problems. He usually gets better with a couple days of cerenia in his system.

Your vet may have to try different meds to to help treat any symptoms your pet may he experiencing.
@mminer237 Have you tried strong smelling things? Liver treats, Parmesan cheese, anchovies paste, fish flakes are some food toppers I have used in the past to get dogs and cats to eat. My experience is that mild flavors are not as appetizing. I hope this helps him!