My 5 month old dog have parvovirus


New member
Hello! My 5 old month got sick from parvovirus 8 days ago we take it to veterinarian and had treatment for 4 days and they said that was the treatment and to take her home and try slowly feeding her and giving water. The problem is she don't have absolutely any appetite and we have to forcefully feed her with syringe we feed her with boiled chicken breast and white rice we make it liquid with blender. For the first days she used to puke now is puking less and less. She drinks water and wants a lot. We feed her little every hour and give her water every hour. She haven't puked for the last day but have really bad diahhria with no blood. Her diahhria very liquidly . Last night she had so much. She haven't had diahhria in the last 3 days but she barely eat too. Today we fed her and gave water and had really bad diahhria again so we just have her water without blended chicken and rice. What should we do to help her. We contacted the veterinarian and she said that she can't help her at all and it'll just take her longer to recover and she'll eventually get her appetite back. My main concern is the really bad diahhria. Should we feed her or not? What should we do? Should we gave her something for the diahhria? Thank you so much for the answer! Also sorry If I made grammar mistakes I'm not native english speaker.
@kassi Different vet absolutely!! Did they send the dog home with antibiotics and antiemetics? A prescription food diet for sensitive stomachs?
@kassi I am so sorry for what you’re going through. Three days after I rescued my dog she was diagnosed with distemper so I get it. She weighed 25 lbs less than she does now so we needed to get her weight up if she wanted to survive.

Try and incorporate as many high calorie foods into her diet as possible. It’s going to take a while for her appetite to come back, so peanut butter will be your best friend. Blend it in with the food you’re giving her already. Also, wet puppy food is really high in calories. That helped us immensely. Definitely don’t just wait for her appetite to come back. She is sick and it won’t come back quick enough. Right now you just need to sustain her long enough for her immune system to fight this thing!

As for the dehydration, pedialyte is dog safe. Get lots of it and give it to her (via syringe) all the time. You may want to consider getting a bigger syringe. I used a turkey baster haha
@dharmmy Hello! I appreciate your answer! Her appetite came back this morning and I give her blended white rice with chicken breast, but she still have diahhria but only once a day but a lot. I've heard about fasting for 24h and giving her rice water. What do you think?
@kassi No, you should not fast her. This is an old belief that people came up with thinking that if you deprive them of food, nothing will be able to come out of the other end. This is not true and fasting should not be done. By fasting you’re going to be depriving her of nutrients, causing painful stomach contractions, promoting inflammation, and you’re causing the intestinal lining to thin out which allows bacteria that should stay in the GI tract to leave and go to other parts of the body.

Just make sure you’re not feeding her food with higher levels of starch and fats because this could promote vomiting.

Regardless, as recommended in many other comments, I really hope you took your dog to another vet. The survival rate for Parvo is not good and these chances are decreased with home treatment vs being hospitalized. She should be on IV fluids or at the minimum you should be giving fluids at home. But hospitalization is 100% preferred with parvo patients.
@audreynicole She had veterinarian treatment the first 4 days they said they have a lot of experience with parvo and that the treatment last 4 days and we need to take care of her now and make her eat. She used to puke a lot everything she eat and everyday improved now haven't puked anything and we feed her at first with boiled white rice and chicken breast at first blended now not blended to help the diahhria also we give her rice water. I think there's possibility that she have worms because unfortunately I didn't give her anything against worms and is possible they're causing her diahhria. Should I give her anti worms medication now or wait till she gets better? Thank you!
@kassi I personally would bring my dog to another vet. Days hospitalized vary depending on the severity but at my clinic we would not have sent home parvo puppy after only 4 days especially since they sent her home while she still had diarrhea and had no appetite which makes me feel they do not have her best interest prioritized. Parvo is a serious concern and treatment should be taken seriously.

I would focus on treating parvo and wait a bit longer until the symptoms subside before worrying about deworming. But first you need to make sure she has worms so you know which treatment is appropriate for that. Diarrhea could be due to worms but it could also just be due to parvo. To check if she has worms you need to drop off a poop sample to your vet (to check for roundworm, Coccidia, etc) but they would need a drop of blood to check for heartworm. If she does have worms different medications vary for different worms so your vet will need to give you a medication for that specific worm and depending on the worm you will give the dewormer for 2 treatments a few weeks apart or so (again, treatment depends on the specific worm and the vet would give instruction)

If she doesn’t have worms and you’re just asking about giving a preventative such a milbeguard, this treatment is only once a month but regardless you should check if she has worms before giving preventatives because it is dangerous to give a dog a preventative such a milbeguard if they are heartworm positive

But again regardless I would prioritize treating parvo before worrying about given either a dewormer or any preventatives for worms

Also, please remember to vaccinate your dogs in the future, there’s a vaccine for parvo
@audreynicole Hello! I really appreciate your answer! Thank you! She got her appetite back last day we give her boiled white rice and boiled chicken breast every few hours is small quantities and water every hour. She still have diarrhea it used to be once a day but after she got her appetite back and started eating more last 2 days was 2 times a day. We give her water every hour and she seems hydrated or a bit dehydrated I'm not completely sure. She stopped puking and is much more energetic and in better mood. Although the diarrhea is still there. Is there any medication to give to her? Is good idea to give her human medication like loperadime according to her weight she's only 5 kg. I've read about not giving any food for 24h and giving rice water what do you think about that? It's been more than 10 days from the first symptoms. She seems recovering in all other areas but the diarrhea is not improving at all. She seems that stopped losing weight. Should I give her any medication for the diarrhea or wait if it flushes the virus? Also I can't find pedialyte in my country. Should I make homemade electrolyte liquid?
@kassi No, like I said in the other message fasting is not a adequate cure for diarrhea and does more harm than good. But the diet you are giving seems good. It’s recommended to give a bland and easily digestible diet for parvo dogs for 3-5 days.

Good, keep giving her water. You can check her gums to know if she’s dehydrated. They should be a salmon color, they’re often lighter with dehydration. Also they have bad blood flow when dehydrated so if you press on the gums they should return to the normally color pretty quickly if not dehydrated. Similar for the skin, if they’re hydrated and you pull on the skin it will spring back quickly to normal, if dehydrated it stays in the position you pulled it in longer. Also dry nose is a sign of dehydration. Regardless I would keep giving water like you are.

Your vet should have sent you home with medications and I’m not sure why they would not. With parvo dogs we normally have them take a broad spectrum antibiotic, anti-vomiting, and anti-diarrhea medications. You should call your vet and have them dispense anti-diarrhea at least.

Some human medications are okay for dogs but most come with precautions. Like the medication you mentioned, Loperamide some dogs have hypersensitivity to it. I’m not sure what breed your dog is but hypersensitivity of Loperamide is most common in herding breeds. Pepto bismol is another option of an over the counter anti-diarrhea human medication that’s normally safe for most dogs but again, most human medications for dogs come with more precautions for dogs and this can irritate your pup if she’s sensitive to salicylates. With parvo I wouldn’t risk it and would just call your vet and tell them you want to pick something up like flagyl to help with the diarrhea.

If she seems better and the only symptom is diarrhea I think it’s safe to start focusing on the possible worm situation so you can start treating that since this may be causing the diarrhea. If you’re not testing for heartworm but only testing for worms you would see by using fecal floatation (but ideally you should test for both) you won’t even need to bring her in for most clinics. Just drop off a stool sample when/if you go to pick up the anti diarrhea meds

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