My (22,F) very aggressive dog (1.5 y.o. Labrador mix, M) has bitten me several times and it breaks my heart

My (22,F) dog (1.5 years old Lab mix, M) has always been an aggressive dog, and has bitten me and my (his) family members several times. Our vet suggested us to get him sterilized, to lower his aggressiveness, and we did as asked. My dog is especially aggressive towards me, and I've read that dogs assert their dominance over the youngest member of the family. He has bitten me more than 3 times in his sleep, even if I move my leg just one bit. It has broken my heart and I am helpless, because I love him very much. My family members love him too but they cannot bear to see me in pain, that's why they suggest that we put him in a rehabilitation home. I don't know what to do...
@prayer_warriorinprogress Get a trainer that specialises in biting and aggression that uses positive reinforcement. If you use punishment or other devices that inflict pain (e.g. shock collars) that can make the aggression worse. Dogs don’t try to assert dominance, it’s an outdated theory about training.

Try to curb it now before it gets worse. Good luck!
@prayer_warriorinprogress This has nothing to do with dominance. He is most likely responding to what you’re doing in that moment such as petting him while sleeping (and if the response is a bite, that’s the ultimate way for a dog to say, “Back off”).

Professional help will be your best route— positive reinforcement/force free dog trainer or vet behaviorist. DIY training for dog aggression can be dangerous.
@prayer_warriorinprogress When did you get him? What sort of training has he had in the past? Do you have other dogs? Has he had any traumatizing incidents? Dogs don't become aggressive out of nowhere and it's important to understand how they got that way so you can determine the best fixes. Sometimes people are unknowingly behaving in a way that triggers the dog to be scared and fearful. Not the person's fault at all, just something to keep in mind.
@imagebeastmarkbeast We got him when he was less than a month old, and no, he has never had any traumatizing experiences at our home. We've always been loving towards him, but he has always been an aggressive puppy. We have tried to train him, and he's playful otherwise, but he is very moody and gets angry out of nowhere. Maybe it's in his genes, because believe me, we pamper him A LOT, but we also scold him when needed.

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