My 2 year old Iraqi Shepard’s stool. I’m worried


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Hi everyone. I have a 2 year old Iraqi Shepard. He’s a high energy, loving pal. Well today I took him outside and his stool was very liquidy and a mix of diarrhea and a mucus like substance. He’s on regular food and hasn’t had a change in mood. He still plays and everything. But I’m worried about his stool. He hasn’t gotten into anything he isn’t supposed to. Is this something I should be worried about? No change in mood and hasn’t been acting like he doesn’t feel well. Still eating regularly and drinking water.
@scientist1 I have never heard of an Iraqi shepherd so I googled it, and got photos of shepherds (human) who live in Iraq. So I googled iraqi shepherd dog and got pictures of shepherds in Iraq and their dogs. So then I googled Iraqi shepherd dog breed and came up with Kurdish mastiff. Is an Iraqi shepherd a Kurdish mastiff? Genuinely curious now, you should post a photo! (Of the dog, not the poop!)

Anyway for the stool issue did it just start today? If it’s just today he may have gotten into something, drank scummy puddle water outside, could be a number of things. I’d offer him some boiled chicken and rice with a bit of pumpkin in it for meals for a day or 2, if that clears it up slowly ease him back into his normal food. If that doesn’t clear it up after a couple days you should go to the vet so they can run a fecal and find out if there might be parasites or giardia and give him the appropriate medications. If he has diarrhea for a few days he runs the risk of dehydration, but if it’s just an upset stomach it should get better pretty quickly.
@loveavenue Long story short, I found him on a deployment (you can probably guess where) in the street and I picked him up and brought him to my office where he became my companion and best friend throughout the deployment. He went everywhere with me. Deployment came time to end after 7 1/2 months. Someone important heard about him and told me she could help me get him home with me. I sent him to Kuwait for medical reasons to ship him (blood tests, shots, chipping, etc). He was granted US immunity by the gov (Iraqi Shepard’s are rare dogs and not allowed in the US). He was accepted and came home with me. He’s 1 of 3 of his breed in the US and the only male. I have all his paper work from all the countries (vet and gov paperwork) with this proof and all our photos together (99% of people don’t believe me). The last male Iraqi Shepard passed away in 2017 and was from La Jolla California brought home by a US Marine LtCol. My dog and I actually have a book about our experience coming out in February.
@scientist1 CVT - don't worry too much. Diarrhea happens, better than vomiting. It may be as simple as he ingested something that upset his stomach and he's having diarrhea. If he is still energetic, eating and drinking normally that is a good sign. you can feed him lean protein and rice (chicken, beef with fat drained, scrambled eggs, cottage cheese) if you like to help firm up stool. White rice is highly digestible and will help firm stool. Somewhere between 1:1 and 2:1 rice to protein with no seasonings. If he as no other problems and you don't need to see the vet you can feed this until stools firm up and then mix it with his normal diet over a few days to switch back. If he goes downhill at all or starts vomiting go to the ER. As always a vet visit won't hurt.

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