Mono amniotic Twins

One of my girls (3 years old pug) free whelped a large litter for her breed yesterday. The first 2 were in the same sack and came out together. I have heard of this happening before through other people, but I have never experienced it. Both are male and they are each about 40 grams smaller than the rest of the litter. She ended up with 9 pups in total. Her breed typically has 5-7 pups in a litter. I have reached out to mentors, but want to reach out to others to see if maybe anyone has any experience with mono amniotic twins. We are helping her supplement every couple hours because the litter is so large. So far, dam and pups are all doing well, but I didn’t know if anyone else might have experienced 2 pups in the same sack might have any additional advice on anything extra to lookout for.
@sustainableblueberry Phone them and see if they will chat with you. My repro vet is 2 hours away. I call her when I need her help or will drive my girls up there should they need her. A good repro vet is worth their weight in gold.
@sustainableblueberry Wow, I have never heard of that with dogs, but my sister has a stray cat that had twin kittens. They were small, but iirc by the time they were 9 weeks the size difference was not great. She ended up keeping one of them, it lived well into its teens.