Me, the human, might have separation anxiety


New member
This post is a bit of a weird one, but I had to fly off for a two week work trip, and so my boy is staying with my parents. He's 2.5 years old!

It's been like, 5 days, and I miss him terribly :( is this something you fur-parents experience? Any advice?

EDIT: Tax!
@cinnamint I generally can’t handle much than five days. I do it occasionally but generally about day 5/6 I really start missing my pup. He’s 10 this year and my whole world
@cinnamint lol, this is totally me - even when I’m just out for the day and I know she’s sleep contentedly in her crate, I miss her like hell and worry she’ll spontaneously combust or choke or something. Unfortunately, I have no advice to offer OP, but heaps of solidarity!
@cinnamint Just know where that anxiety is coming from is that you love your dog and you have a good bond with him.

What helped me was getting two more dogs. I love all 3 but it's nice to get away. I'm joking it's still not easy to leave them behind.

It does help knowing where the separation anxiety comes from.

We don't deserve dogs.
@cinnamint I travel a decent amount for work and totally gey it. What helps me is daily check ins with the sitter or my parents.

I also remember that they are loving life while I am away and its harder on me than them. Enjoy your time away and doing things that might be more challenging when dogs are around (eg an all day excursion, or staying late at a coffee shop, or in my case going out after the conference with friends)
@cinnamint Oooh I so understand! I find myself not wanting to travel anymore because the thought of being away from my pup (also 2.5 years!) just doesn't sound good. One time I thought facetiming with my dog was a good idea, but his reaction when he hears my voice but can't see me is absolutely heartbreaking. Like I almost cried.

Last summer I went on a month-long expedition for work to a remote place with not great internet. What kept me going was thinking about how dogs don't have a great concept of time. They really live in the moment. So while I was counting down the days, he was probably most realistically thinking about his next walk or meal. And the reunion once you return - absolutely priceless!
@cinnamint I have separation anxiety from my dog, no doubt! It helps so much to have someone you know well and trust and know who will take care of your dog as you would. Plus, getting them to send pictures 😁
@cinnamint Big work trips, but I consider it a vacation for him when he gets to hang at the parents for weeks lol. But their house has so many fun things like two other dogs, a dog park along the walks by the house, more rabbits to bark at & the beach. I know he’s having a good time
@cinnamint I cried the first morning without my Ludo and when left alone for an hour, all I could think about was rushing home to him as I didn't want him to be alone wondering where I had gone.they are your baby! Completely normal

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