Malinois x Gsd pups head


New member
My 6 month old MalinoisX pups head seems slightly small for her body. She eats fresh G/tripe mixed with chicken carcass mince/salmon oil every day 2-3 times day. Walks around 3-4 mile a day has 1.5-2 hrs play with 2 yr old will the head grow to fit?
@jtyrer No she eats royal canin gsd puppy food the tripe is mixed in but not every day some days the kibbles mixed with chicken or lamb or beef mince some days tripe.
@aweshum She's going to look like several different dogs stitched together for the next year and a half until she finishes growing.

I am concerned about how much you're walking her, though. At that age, that is WAY too much walking, especially for a large breed mix of breeds known for hip issues. For a conditioned puppy, 30 minutes-1 hour is a safe range. If you're trying to tire it out, start introducing more mental stimulation like training, puzzles, etc. Right now all you're doing is creating an adrenaline junkie.

I also want to echo concerns about the diet. Are you working with a licensed veterinary nutritionist to make sure that you're feeding a balanced diet? Large breeds have very specific nutritional needs to ensure healthy growth. You can't just feed it tripe, chicken, and salmon oil. There are many high quality puppy kibble formulas available that are made specifically for large breed puppies and I would strongly recommend considering one of those.
@19ana89 Yeah I was iffy bout it at first a pal said it was good for them so asked vet about the green tripe and she said same thing as you so she said use it as a topper/mix it with royal canin. Exersise she gets is broken up into different walks each day.
@aweshum At six months I'd imagine it's just because of the lanky teenage phase. Dogs are usually very awkward looking at that point.
@mazin Thought so myself also thought the tripe would have had something to do with the body developing faster she seems to be building muscle and toning up better. She does get lot of exersise as in walking offlead up forestry trails ect