Losing my mind with my 7 m/o minpin


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I adore my dog, she's the best cuddle buddy and is the sweetest little girl when she wants to be. As a puppy, I joked that she had no voice since she never barked. This has all changed. I'm half in need of emotional support, half in need of a vent! (I have an R+ trainer but there are none within 90 minutes so we meet halfway at a park)
  • She hates walks, like, won't go anywhere. She tries to drag me home. The only places she likes are wide open but living in the city centre we can't do that more than 1/2 times a week. There's a lovely park down the road which is perfect for a dog her size, but she hates it. Even different routes in my local area don't seem to agree with her. She'll stand in one spot and sniff and then pull the neck off of herself to get home. I reward her for engagement but she literally just wants to go home and won't stop even for her favourite treats.
  • She barks all the time. Came along with adolescence. She'll bark at the wall, the door, anything on any counter, a cardboard box, literally anything. She gets obsessed with these things and won't stop barking until they're put away (if they can be). I treat her when she's quiet but everything sets her off. She especially loves to bark whilst I'm cooking, she'll stand there and bark until I've finished cooking and eating. I've been place training and she knows 'place' and 'break' but as soon as she sees I'm cooking or eating all hell breaks loose.
  • She steals everything. Literally everything. Shoes, toilet paper, socks, dirty laundry, anything. She'll ruin them all so everything has to be kept out of sight (or she'll bark non-stop). She has an abundance of natural chews (bully sticks, fish skins, beef tendon, rabbit ears) and lickimats, but she doesn't give them a second look if there's anything else around. She's recently learned how to jump up onto the table and will take any food that's there, no matter what enrichment she has in her box or by her mat. I live with my dad and she's got on his last nerve with stealing his food. I push in my chair if I need to grab something when I have food on the table, but he keeps forgetting which is obviously reenforcing the behaviour. I put her in place, give her a chew or a lickimat, and she still just insists or barking and jumping and trying to get the food even if she's eaten 5 minutes before. She's not fed from the table and never has been.
  • She still pees and poops inside constantly. I thought we were getting to a really good place when she was ~5 months old, she was alerting at the door to go out, could hold overnight, etc. She now does 6 poops a day at any time of the day or night, so if I'm not home with her at all times she will poop inside. For example, she got up at 7am yesterday, did a huge poop and pee outside, ate, went to bed. I was gone from 8-10am and she'd already done another poop inside. She also pees at incredibly irregular intervals, either every 5 hours or every hour. She'll alert for the door and go out and pee and com back in, but at least once a day she'll just do it on the floor for seemingly no reason. This is killing me as I take her out on a. regular schedule still but she's 7 months now and will still have daily accidents. I know she's not doing it to spite me but at this point I'm losing hope.
She gets daily walks (despite hating them), unlimited chews and tonnes of enrichment (likimats/snuffles), and so so so much love. I really don't know what I'm doing wrong. At this point I'm really losing hope and it's weighing on my mental health. I just want to be away from her most of the time (but I'm not!). I love the evenings when she's chilling beside me on the sofa fast asleep, but I dread waking up every morning. My anxiety is now at an all time high. Any advice is support is greatly appreciated, I don't want to let my baby go, I simply couldn't.

Edit: I have put so much time and effort daily into training her. Sit, stay, down, recall, etc., but she is still the "worst" dog my family has had, seemingly for no reason...

Edit 2: She's not spayed yet, as my vet has said not to do so until she's had her first heat.
@mysteriumfidei The other cause of this excessive pooping might be that her gut bacteria is off, which isn't abnormal for a puppy. in which case a probiotic might help. I would suggest talking to your vet's office and getting a recommendation on which one as some are definitely more effective than others.
@scarletbibs That makes sense, I was giving her kefir but I live in Ireland and it can go missing from the supermarket for a few weeks. Couldn't get it at all when I was rural ireland for 3 weeks over xmas. I'll try her on that again and call my vet during the week. Dream is to have Bernies Perfect Poop but no joy finding it this side of the ocean! Thanks!
@mysteriumfidei So she weighs about 3.75kg at the moment but my vet said to feed as if she's 4kg, so she is getting a little extra compared to what the feeding guide says, but it is under my vets guidance
her breeder fed them half raw half kibble, and she pooped 1-2x a day on raw. since switching to kibble its off the charts but its been 8 weeks now
@cysa I don’t have a minpin (always wanted one but they’re not available where I am). Your dog sounds a little like mine but a fair bit worse with the barking and food stealing etc, similar weight and age though and we feed her twice a day with a slow feeder but she won’t eat it all at once and making sure it’s just enough for her as when we used to over feed her she’d get very naughty. When she barks we says no and pick her up and take her to another room where there’s nothing to bark at, not sure if that’ll help you but it has slowly started to help with our pup, she barks less at the noises outside in the hall of the apartment complex.

Also our trainer said to reduce the love a little bit when she was around 5 months as the overt love and affection we give them is a reaffirmation that you’re happy with them (and their actions) so should only be done when they’ve been good with training and being good generally.
@mysteriumfidei That makes sense! Grew up with a JRT (who's now 13) so thought I could handle the terrier vibes but it is so intense. I'm also alone in raising her when my other dogs have always been family dogs, which does seem to make a world of difference. She actually got majorly picky with food and was basically starving herself when she starting going through adolescence, which is exactly when the demand barking at me whilst cooking/eating started. she's eating a little more now but its slow and she just kinda takes a few kibbles here and there. Tried feeding her 2x a day and taking the food away if she won't eat but she continued to starve herself. Vet says she's fine though...

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