Letting my dog inside

So as of recently days have been getting incredibly cold, reaching temperatures below 0°C, and I worry that my dog has been feeling the cold too. My mom also insists on not letting him inside, so instead we have his dog house in a corner and with a towel covering the entrance so that he doesn’t feel cold when he sleeps, as well as giving him warm clothes, but I feel like it is not being enough. During winter mornings he’ll also sit down a lot more often, which is something he normally only does when asked to. So instead i’ve been thinking about sneaking him inside at night and let him sleep in my room with a small bed made out of blankets until morning when I can let him out again. Is this a good/necessary idea? And if so, is there anything else I should do to make him feel comfortable?
@seekinganswersseekinghelp Please sneak him in if you can. My golden looooves the cold weather, but he definitely gets cold when he’s static. Make sure to put a nice thick fleece coat on him when he’s outside too. Let me know if you need any recommendations. You could also put a heat lamp in his dog house
@dave24066 Thank you! We unfortunately don’t own any heat lamps. The coat he uses is somewhat thick but as I’m planning on getting him something warmer. Since he’s never slept inside before, should I restrict his water intake so he doesn’t pee in my room during the night? Don’t want to sleep with an uncomfortable odor haha
@seekinganswersseekinghelp What breed of dog is it? That matters. I’ll get flack for saying this I’m sure, but some dogs are built for cold and thrive in that temperature, and are fine outside so long as they have adequate shelter and water that is not frozen. If it is not an arctic breed, that is too cold for a dog to be outside without an insulated, warmed shelter. A towel over the entrance is not insulation.

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