Legitimate Q.. how do people take dogs for a walk and keep their home clean?

I'm interested in getting a dog but I also like to keep my home clean. I see people walking their dogs even on rainy days where the dog is rolling around in the puddle, and I wonder if they bathe them when they get in? How often is too much for bathing a dog before it becomes unhealthy for their skin? How do you keep your home/car clean with a dog in your life? Is it impossible?
@that_guy_you_are My dog doesn't roll in puddles. He actually doesn't like to get wet that much. He's trained to sit on a mat by my front door until I wipe his feet off. His fur is really short, so even if he gets wet it doesn't take too much to dry him off.

That being said, dogs are dogs. If you can't put up with shedding hair, possible drool, getting sick or going potty in the house, a bit of extra dirt... don't get a dog.
@kelving Absolutely agree. I’m a total clean freak but when it comes to my fur babies none of that matters. I’d miss the fur and everything else if it weren’t around. My 15 year old wiener dog has become a smelly old man because that’s what happens, but I just like to think it’s because I have officially spoiled him rotten. My 3 year old baby also likes to throw his squeaky toys and chewies all over the living room. I just vacuum and dust more. The little bit of mess is totally worth the reward of having all that fur baby love.
@andyb7777777 There is that poem/tiktok about how one day the mess and the noise will be gone and how much you will miss it. Makes me cry…and I think of it every time I see the nose and drool marks on the passenger side windows of my car
@kelving Mine is the same way. Hates going out for potty if it's raining and will pretend to go so he can come back indoors out of the rain. He sits a chair we have by the door that holds his towel and harness and waits to be dried off. Also short haired so easy clean up. He actively avoids puddles on his own too.

And agree that of your not willing to work with having hair/fur all over all the time, drool, the whole thing, don't get a dog. My husband hates, HATES drool or spit/slobber, but he puts up with it cuz he loves our pup.
@kelving Agreed! A dog, much like a small child, will make a mess at some point. Just comes with the territory.

I have three dogs and all of them hate the rain, but one of them LOVES puddles and actively seeks them out and prances thru them while on walks. And yes that means I have to wash her paws and under belly when we get home, but the sheer joy she shows in being able to bounce thru puddles makes it so worth it 🥹
@kelving Well said, OP. My little guy is similar in that he dislikes getting wet, and also isn’t a fan of snow/wind/rain- that said, I love seeing his food on the floor, drips of water from his bowl… I love knowing he’s around, well nourished and happy.
@kelving Agreed. We tell our family/guests not to bother using our sofa because the dogs have destroyed it by chewing holes, having accidents and shedding hair. No cleaning routine could keep our sectional clean for more than a few hours with a GSD, Husky and Golden Mix.
@mikec508 well that is... (vomit)

My dog leaves shreds of hair around the house. Nothing as extreme as chewing holes, having accidents or any sort like that. That actually sounds messed up not gonna lie.
@james02s40 Yeah it is messed up. We're about to toss the couch soon, just need to schedule a garbage truck pick up. It annoys us so much because we got the couch new less than 3 years ago (not very expensive). It all started when we took in a rescue Husky. Our other two dogs are well trained and housebroken but this husky destroyed everything in her path. She's been good the last year and a half but the damage is done. We still do our best to keep it clean, vacuum hair and put covers on but it's just bad and simply do not use it.
@bluerussia We DO use couch covers man lol. It's just a never ending cycle of washing them. We're just going to toss the couches and look into loveseats. The dogs are too big for those so there won't an issue there.
@that_guy_you_are You have a dedicated towel by the door as well as grooming wipes. That or you carry them to the bath tub for a paw rinse. Some dogs hate getting wet or muddy!!! But some love it.

You can bathe your dog every three weeks generally and still have good skin. I suggest getting a groomer though - the cost is worth having a few hours to yourself a month. I used it to clean windows and vacuum furniture.

You'll have to clean more often (vacuuming, odor control) to account for fur, saliva, and potty training accidents, but you can totally still have a spotless home with a dog. You'll just have to let go of the concept of having a perfect home while in training mode if you're getting a puppy.

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